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Mayor of Kingstown Season 3 Episode 10 Recap: It’s All-Out War in the Season Finale

Mayor of Kingstown season 3 episode 10 recap
Mayor of Kingstown season 3 episode 10 recap
Hugh Dillon, Jeremy Renner, Derek Webster and Derek Basco in ‘Mayor of Kingstown’ season 3 episode 10 (Credit: Dennis P. Mong Jr./Paramount+)

Paramount+’s Mayor of Kingstown season three did a fantastic job of building the tension between KPD, the Crips, Aryan Brotherhood, and the Russians. In episode 10, the season finale, it all pays off with a massive, game-changing shoot-out. The season three finale closes multiple storylines, kills off a few key characters, and leaves one of the few characters whose moral compass remains mostly intact in dire straits.

(Warning: this recap of season three episode 10 has spoilers.)

In a voiceover, Mike (Jeremy Renner) reveals his mom only visited once while he was in jail. She told him to survive, acknowledging that she understood he’d have to do whatever it took to make it out of jail alive. “She was giving me permission to become a stranger to her,” says Mike. He took that advice and now admits he did evil things inside. But did he become evil? When he got out, his mother’s hug confirmed he’d been absolved.

Mike and Bunny (Tobi Bamtefa) discuss their plans to end the war today. Mike will inform the Russians of the route Bunny’s men will take moving the guns, and Bunny has the perfect spot picked out for an ambush. KPD will take down all the Russians if the Crips don’t handle it themselves. Mike will personally handle Konstantin.

Once it’s all done, Bunny will be the King of Kingstown and Mike will finally have peace. A twisted peace, but peace, nonetheless.

Ian (Hugh Dillon) is interviewed about Charlie’s death and lies, claiming he shouldn’t have let his guard down. Evelyn (Necar Zadegan) grabs a moment when he’s done and wonders why he logged Charlie out once for the dentist. That date coincides with the murder of KPD whistleblower Morrissey. Ian acts insulted, accusing her of disrespecting him. He’s guilty as hell but doing a great job of acting offended.

Meanwhile, Konstantin (Yorick van Wageningen) is worried when he can’t reach Roman. Iris wonders if he’s dead or has taken off, and Konstantin’s certain he didn’t bolt. And if Roman’s dead, should they leave? Konstantin can’t but Iris (Emma Laird) can.

The pressing concern now is who killed Roman: the Russians or Bunny Washington? Konstantin thinks either is too logical of an answer.

Speaking of Roman, his tortured body has been strung up from a bridge by the river. Mike meets Ian and Stevie (Derek Webster) at the crime scene, and Ian’s worried. This looks like Konstantin’s man, which means Iris isn’t safe. Ian points out Roman’s wearing a gas mask, indicating the killer might have been Russian. It’s not the Crips’ or Aryans’ MO.

Mike heads over to Konstantin’s boat to inform him Roman is dead. Konstantin believes Milo’s returned and is behind Roman’s death, the bombings, and the deaths of the women on the bus. Milo was warned and survived, and Mike thinks if that’s true it doesn’t change a thing.

Ian snags time alone with Mike and confesses that Evelyn is investigating the days he took Charlie out. He’s never told Mike that Charlie killed Morrissey, and now he’s scared Evelyn will pin the murder on him. Mike walks him through that day, and it’s not looking good for Ian. Evelyn obviously already has someone doing a thorough investigation and Ian wasn’t exactly careful. Ian begs Mike to tell Evelyn to be a team player. Mike’s not sure that’s possible.

Robert (Hamish Allan-Headley) calls an urgent meeting and informs Mike, Ian, and Kyle (Taylor Handley) that the DA is calling him in. Ian reminds Robert he’d be in jail if Morrissey wasn’t dead, but Robert’s adamant he’s not going to jail over Ian’s screw-up. Mike wants everyone to focus on shutting down the Russians today, but Robert’s like a dog with a bone. He needs Mike to get Evelyn to stop her investigation. Only Mike can do it without violence, and Robert warns that he’ll take her out if it comes to that.

Warden Kareem Moore (Michael Beach) views security footage from the day the prison was attacked. He watches the new guard, Kevin, signal someone outside the prison that Callahan and the AB are in the yard. Now he’s certain who the inside man is. He talks with Kevin and advises him not to justify doing wrong by claiming it’s loyalty to family. Bunny will use him and toss him aside when he’s no longer needed, and then where will Kevin be?

Bunny calls Mike as his people are on the move, and Mike immediately informs Konstantin that Bunny’s guys are heading to the Sixth Street Bridge. Mike claims not to know where they’re heading but suggests Konstantin’s men just follow the truck.

However, the guns aren’t in the truck that Konstantin will be following. Bunny reminds his men to draw the Russians into the kill zone and then wipe them out. The convoy heads off after Bunny tells his guys to watch each other’s backs.

Mike spares a few minutes of his busy day to ask Evelyn to back off. Ian’s a good friend and that should carry some weight. “I would chew through a f**king brick wall to get at Robert Sawyer. If I have to go through Ian, so be it,” says Evelyn. She wants Sawyer but if Mike has a different way to get to him, she’s ready to listen. Mike doesn’t offer an alternate solution.

The SWAT team suits up, ready for what’s about to go down. Robert reminds Kyle that he brought him in and asks about what Kyle’s going to say when Evelyn questions him. Kyle’s going to stick with the party line and so will Ian. Robert’s not so sure about Ian. He also wonders about Mike and whether he’ll side with Evelyn. Also, will Kyle choose Mike over his SWAT team brothers?

After their conversation, Kyle has every reason to be on guard around Robert.

Kareem calls his daughter and tells her he’s proud of her and loves her before getting on the phone with his wife. Kareem wants her to tell Russell he’s proud of him and give him a hug.

Kareem hangs up and looks out over the yard. He radios the guards, lies that a prisoner is down, and then steps into the locked yard with the Aryan Brotherhood. Kareem requests backup and is heard on the radio ordering the prisoners to back up. (They’re nowhere near him and confused.) He walks among them and doesn’t move when one approaches him with a knife. He’s repeatedly stabbed and beaten as the men cheer.

The guards arrive but it’s too late to save Kareem. The warden chose death by inmate – and the insurance and other benefits that will take care of his family – after being told he had two weeks left in his employment.

Mayor of Kingstown season 3 episode 10 recap
Aidan Gillen as Milo, Yorick van Wageningen as Konstantin, Emma Laird as Iris, and Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky in ‘Mayor of Kingstown’ season 3 episode 10 (Credit: Dennis P. Mong Jr./Paramount+)

Konstantin and Iris return to his boat to discover Milo (Aidan Gillen) and his men are waiting below deck. Milo’s guys kill Konstantin’s guard as Milo orders Iris to use the phone Mike gave her and to call him. Konstantin’s shocked that Iris lied to him, and Iris admits she chose to be a spy for Mike. He didn’t force her.

Meanwhile, Bunny’s guys have made it onto the bridge at the same time as the Russians. A massive shootout commences, with innocent civilians trapped in their cars on the bridge as bullets ring out from automatic weapons.

Milo claims he doesn’t want to hurt Mike, but Iris still won’t call him. Milo does it himself and confirms he’s on Konstantin’s boat. Mike hangs up and pulls a U-turn, heading to the boat as Ian calls with news there’s a battle on the bridge, and civilians are caught in the crossfire.

None of this is going down exactly as Mike planned, and he doesn’t have a solution to the Crips and Russians bridge bloodbath. Instead, he needs to head to Konstantin’s and meet with Milo. Ian and the KPD will have to handle the bridge.

SWAT rolls up on the bridge and Robert reminds his men to carefully identify their targets and avoid collateral damage. (Night’s fallen and it’s hard to see who is who.) KPD enters the fight, with dozens of cops and SWAT blocking the bridge with their vehicles at both entrances.

The Crips only have three options: kill, die, or dive off the bridge. They choose kill. SWAT moves through the crowd, clearing the civilians as they advance in a line across the bridge closer to the action. They exchange fire after most civilians have been rescued and continue to advance.

Someone inside a car has a weapon and Kyle orders him to drop it. He refuses because he needs to protect his kids. More bullets fly as Robert kills a Crip who has his hands up and has surrendered. He then joins Kyle and orders the civilian, still seated in his car, to lose his weapon. Robert doesn’t listen to Kyle when Kyle screams at him that they’re innocent. The SWAT team leader’s on the verge of pulling the trigger when Kyle shoots him twice.

Back on the boat, Milo and Konstantin exchange insults. (Konstantin calls Milo a half-assed movie gangster.) Milo still wants the Russian drug pipeline, and apparently, Roman confirmed the Russians don’t care if he or Konstantin is in charge. Mike shows up and Milo asks if they can start fresh. Milo wants Kingstown back and reminds Mike they used to work well together. Mike’s not going for it and suggests Milo should shoot him now. Milo threatens to kill Iris if Mike doesn’t fall in line, and Iris says she wants to stay with Mike. However, that’s not an option. It’s either stay and die or leave and live, but either way, Iris needs to kill Konstantin.

Konstantin tells Iris it’s okay and that he deserves to die. Mike doesn’t want Iris to do Milo’s dirty work, but Milo’s got another card up his sleeve. He tells Konstantin that Mike played him. Bunny’s guns aren’t even in the truck on the bridge.

Again, Milo insists he just wants things to go back to how they were. Bunny can have his turf, Milo will take charge of the Russians, and the war will be over. But first Iris must take the gun and shoot Konstantin. Finally, she grabs it and points it at Konstantin’s head. Konstantin begs her to do it, but she refuses until he calls her Hannah. She pulls the trigger.

Iris points the gun at Milo, but it’s empty. Milo only loaded it with one bullet. Now that she’s done what he asked, she can leave. Milo’s even set her up with money and IDs for a new life. Iris still refuses to leave, and Mike tells her it’s time for her to go. He makes her promise she won’t look back and will never see him again.

Gunshots ring out on the deck above, and Mike uses the distraction to knock Milo’s gun out of his hand. They fight, and Mike gains the upper hand and holds Milo at gunpoint. Ian rushes down the stairs after taking out Milo’s men, and Mike orders him to take Iris to the bus station and cancel the unit that’s on the way. It won’t be necessary.

Milo admits to everything he’s done, including bombing the cemetery, and Mike thinks they’ve crossed the point of no return. When Milo mentions Mike’s mom, Mike shoots him in the side. Milo does it again and earns a fatal shot in response.

Mike tosses the gun in the river and leaves.

Mayor of Kingstown season 3 episode 10 recap
Taylor Handley as Kyle McLusky in ‘Mayor of Kingstown’ season 3 episode 10 (Credit: Dennis P. Mong Jr./Paramount+)

The gun battle on the bridge is over when Mike arrives. Ian’s forced to break the news that Kyle shot Robert, but Robert isn’t dead. A witness says it was attempted murder, and Ian sums it up as a clusterf**k. Everything’s on video thanks to body cams and civilians filming with their phones.

Mike spots Evelyn as Kyle’s taken away in the back of a cop car. She can’t cut Kyle loose because he shot another cop, and Mike reminds her Kyle’s his brother. Evelyn has no choice but to charge Kyle with attempted murder.

Ian warns Mike to keep his head down and stay calm. Mike drives away while thinking about the day he was released from prison. Kyle, Mitch, and their mom were waiting for him outside the gates, and all he wanted was to get away from the prison. Still, he lingered long enough to let his family hug him.

Iris boards a bus heading out of town. She takes two pills and sinks back into a seat. When the bus stops for a restroom break, the driver discovers that she’s dead.

Season three ends with Mike acknowledging he was a changed man after serving time. He did what he had to do to survive but wasn’t certain once he was set free if he could ever return to himself.

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