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‘Manifest’ Season 4 Episode 14 Recap: “Fata Morgana”

Manifest Season 4 Episode 14 Recap
Manifest Season 4 Episode 14 Recap
Luna Blaise as Olive Stone and Ty Doran as Cal Stone in ‘Manifest’ season 4 (Photo Cr. Netflix © 2022)

Netflix’s Manifest season four episode 14 picks up with Olive (Luna Blaise) taking the blame for failing to keep Fiona alive since her death happened on her watch. Cal (Ty Doran) also takes the blame since he brought Fiona home, and since he believed the straw was securely in place in her lung.

Ben (Josh Dallas) has a very brief calling and sees blood covering his hands and Bill Daly staring back at him in the mirror.

Jared (J.R. Ramirez) and Michaela (Melissa Roxburgh) have an awkward moment discussing their “almost” kiss. Strained moment aside, Jared reveals that a cop spotted Angelina in Missouri. Michaela had no idea she survived the church fire, and Jared assures her he’ll keep her in the loop if there are any updates.

Zeke (Matt Long) visits Michaela after Jared leaves, and Zeke’s sad their time together was too short. Michaela reminds him that his beautiful heart saved Cal – and countless others. Zeke surprises her by saying he’ll be gone soon and can’t stay with her. She needs to go on her own journey and move forward without him. Michaela refuses to allow him to leave and tries to convince him he’s her everything.

Zeke says he feels everything slipping away. He looks up at Michaela and no longer recognizes her face. “Do I know you?’ he asks just as the visit ends.

Saanvi’s request for Captain Daly’s son, Patrick, to be brought in is granted, and she explains to the confused man that his dad’s alive, being held at the center, and is the source of mythological plagues. Patrick might be the key to the cure because of his DNA. Patrick admits he and his father have been estranged for a long time and are nothing alike.

As they watch a monitor, they see blood appear in Bill’s IV bag. Blood also shows up out of nowhere in a beaker in Saanvi’s lab. It must be a new plague, and Saanvi (Parveen Kaur) is convinced Patrick can help stop this.

Michaela whispers to Ben in the mess hall that Angelina is alive. Ben thinks Angelina is after something to do with Fiona and Daly. As they’re talking, milk and other liquids in the cafeteria turn into blood. Ben suspects this has to do with Daly being in trouble and runs off to warn Saanvi while Michaela remains with the terrified passengers.

Pregnant Polly is in pain and Michaela helps her to a safer location. Unfortunately, Polly’s pain increases and labor begins in earnest – six weeks too early. Saanvi’s not available and it’s up to Michaela to deliver Polly’s baby with help from Jordan, a very resourceful custodian. It’s only after mom and baby have had a moment to bond that Michaela realizes Jordan is actually the baby’s father. (He took the job to be near Polly.)

Of course, Michaela will never tell anyone. Their secret is safe with her.

Ben makes it to Saanvi and learns all the blood has Daly’s DNA. Saanvi wants to use Patrick’s blood to alter the serum she made to eliminate callings to stop Daly from causing more plagues.

Eden wants to see Fiona and explains she did what Olive told her to and took out Fiona’s tube. Both Cal and Olive are confused, and Olive knows she never spoke with Eden. They check the baby monitor and see Eden carrying on a conversation with someone who’s not there. Cal believes it was Angelina, and Olive is shocked to learn she’s still alive and that Cal saw her in Fiona’s calling. Olive’s upset that her brother didn’t share that information.

Cal and Olive realize Angelina has the Omega Sapphire. They also realize they can’t tell Eden what really happened. Cal’s certain the only option is for him to project onto Angelina so they can stop her.

Cal’s scar glows, and he shows up at Angelina’s van. She claims she would never hurt Eden but doesn’t deny using the child to kill Fiona. Angelina wants Cal to help her bring on the end of days and lead the chosen into a new world. Cal wants her to hand over the sapphire, but she claims God placed it into her hand. He leaves after warning her they are not a team and never will be.

Tracking shows Angelina will cross the George Washington Bridge in New York in three hours. Vance and Jared don’t know that Fiona’s dead and head to the Stones’ place to move her someplace safe.

Jared and Vance arrive at the Stone home and promise to take care of Fiona’s body. Cal fills Jared in on Angelina’s ability to appear as anyone to any passenger or any passenger’s child.

Cal’s able to tell Jared Angelina’s location, and he heads out to find her, leaving Vance behind with Fiona.

Angelina appears as Bill’s son, Patrick, and taunts Bill, telling him everything that’s happened is his fault. Everyone hates him and he deserves to die. Bill’s heart races, and he disconnects himself from the machines. He pounds the door as the real Patrick watches on a monitor. He yells for Ben and Saanvi to help his dad, and they see Bill grab a fire extinguisher and try to bust open the door.

Ben races to Bill’s room, but not before Bill manages to escape into the hallway. Guards are stationed outside his room and immediately order him to get on the ground. Ben arrives and tells them not to shoot as Bill complies and lies down on the ground.

Manifest Season 4 Episode 14 Recap
J.R. Ramirez as Jared Vasquez in ‘Manifest’ season 4 episode 14 (Photo Cr. Netflix © 2022)

Angelina’s still projecting when Jared arrives at the van and orders her to surrender.

The projection of Patrick shames his dad into standing up so that he’ll be shot. Bill rises to his feet as Ben tries to convince him to lie back down. Patrick asks his dad to step forward and help him, and Bill’s immediately shot twice by the guards. (Remember, only Bill can see Patrick.)

Ben tells Bill to hang in there, and Bill confesses he doesn’t want to die. But it’s too late. Bill’s wounds are fatal, and he dies before he can receive medical help.

Angelina raises her hands in surrender but resists being placed in Jared’s car. He tosses her in, placing her under arrest for the murder of Grace and the kidnapping of Eden.

Jared calls Vance, Saanvi, and Ben with news of her arrest and that Bill was her next target. Jared learns Bill’s dead and wonders if Angelina projected and made him die. As they’re talking, Saanvi looks at a photo Jared sent over of Angelina’s possessions and a photo of a guard is circled. Saanvi swears she saw that guard today in her lab, but Vance said she was fired a while back. Ben didn’t see the guard when he was with Saanvi in the lab, and they realize it was Angelina projecting.

Saanvi realizes Angelina used her to get to Bill Daly, and Ben suddenly figures out that’s why Bill’s last words were “my son.” He saw Patrick in his room and the fake Patrick knew what buttons of his to push because he listened to their conversation in the lab.

Ben believes they need to shut Angelina down for good.

Zeke appears to Michaela once more, but he’s in horrible shape and doesn’t recognize her. He’s freezing and Michaela realizes he’s in the cave. She also figures out he’s coming out of the glow and returning to 2018 inside the cave. That’s why he doesn’t recognize her; he’s returning to his real life.

She assures him they’ll meet and will fall hopelessly in love. Their current story’s ending, but he’s going back to the beginning. Before she leaves, she tells him to find the cabin down the mountain. She’ll be there waiting for him.

Michaela orders him to pull a paper from his pocket with her photo and repeat “find her” as their connection ends.

Zeke walks out of the glow, saying, “Find her,” as Michaela tells him goodbye.

Patrick holds his dead father’s hand and cries while blood drips from the hospital bed. Bill’s blood forms a river and flows into the nearby drain. From there, the blood makes it through the system and spills outside into the Hudson River. The amount of blood is more than a normal body would contain as it stains the river red.

Jared walks Angelina into the detention center and past Ben. They lock eyes as Jared guides her down the hallway.

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