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‘Manifest’ Season 4 Episode 13 Recap: “Ghost Plane”

Manifest Season 4 Episode 13 Recap
Manifest Season 4 Episode 13 Recap
Luna Blaise as Olive Stone and Ty Doran as Cal Stone in ‘Manifest’ season 4 episode 13 (Photo Cr. Peter Kramer/Netflix © 2022)

The mysterious figure in the barn turns out to be Fiona Clarke (seat 23B), and Cal (Ty Doran) brings her back to the Stone house as Netflix’s Manifest season four episode 13 gets underway. It appears Fiona’s trapped in a calling and is so zoned out that Cal and Olive (Luna Blaise) can’t get any answers out of her.

Olive visits Ben (Josh Dallas) and uses code words to inform him they’ve located the missing Fiona Clarke and that she’s currently on the couch at home. Ben reveals Bill Daly is in the detention center but also isn’t able to talk.

Ben shows Olive a dead grasshopper and says the place is infested with them. Olive corrects him and quotes her grandmother, “May a plague of locusts fall upon you.”

Director Zimmer (Patricia Mauceri) learns the bugs are Rocky Mountain locusts, extinct since 1902. Zimmer orders Daly to be moved, and the two guards tasked to do so discover he’s got huge boils on his body. Within minutes, one of the guards also develops boils and is taken to the medical bay.

Dr. Saanvi Bahl (Parveen Kaur) is in the med bay discussing Fiona and Bill’s returns when Zimmer brings in the injured guard. The man dies before Saanvi can help him.

Ben slips into a calling and is taken away by guards, and it’s up to Michaela (Melissa Roxburgh) and Jared (J.R. Ramirez) to solve it. The calling took place at Mansion Marina, slip 57, and something underwater tried to pull the boat over.

Ben’s taken to the lab for monitoring while Jared and Michaela head to the marina. In a weird twist, the boat in slip 57 belongs to Nazir Tehrani, 828er Eagan Tehrani’s father.

Vance (Daryl Edwards) tells Ben, who’s currently in the lab while they monitor his brain activity, about Eagan’s involvement, which sends Ben into another calling. This time he sees much more, including a woman being pulled out of the water wearing a necklace with a gold charm.

Ben draws what he saw and shows Eagan, and Eagan immediately recognizes it as the Faravahar – a reminder of good conduct for the soul. His mom had one, but he has no idea if she’s still wearing it. He hasn’t spoken with his parents in years and can’t help if she’s in trouble.

Olive’s done some research and learned Fiona was in a horrible car accident as a kid and needed brain surgery. She became a neuropsychologist and is in a never-ending calling now. Cal knows that if Fiona hadn’t given him a clue in a calling, he never would have figured out divine consciousness.

Cal hopes that if he sits in her seat as he did with Joe, he’ll see her calling. It works and he’s onboard 828 but now there are olive trees growing in the plane. A huge tree is in Fiona’s seat, and there’s also one in the cockpit.

Cal brought two olives back with him, and Olive’s shocked that she can touch them. Something from the calling is now real in this world, which is a new development.

Manifest Season 4 Episode 13 Recap
Holly Taylor as Angelina Meyer in ‘Manifest’ season 4 episode 13 (Photo Cr. Netflix © 2022)

Meanwhile, Angelina’s upset to hear the little girl she connected with at the homeless camp is moving away. She tells the girl that everyone always leaves her, and they even turned her daughter against her. The girl says maybe God can help her, which gives Angelina an idea. She uses her powers to look like Olive and talks to Eden, telling her that Angelina isn’t a bad person despite what people say.

The fake Olive hums a familiar tune and then quickly takes off when she hears the real Olive approach.

Fiona begins gasping for breath, and since they can’t call 9-1-1 for help, Olive tells Cal to contact Saanvi via the sapphire. He has the same powers as Angelina and can put Fiona in Saanvi’s mind. Cal doesn’t want to; he’s not evil like Angelina. Olive assures him he’s using his powers for good and that this is the only way to save Fiona.

Saanvi is shocked to see Fiona gasping for breath and to hear Cal’s voice in her head. He explains he’s projecting a calling, and Saanvi walks him through an operation to fix her collapsing lung.

Nazir tells Michaela and Jared that he and his wife are retired and about to take their boat to the Caribbean Islands. He’s not in any danger, despite what his son might have told them. As they’re talking, Jared receives a call with the update that the calling is about Nazir’s wife.

Eagan’s mom, Farnaz, is at home, sick, and missed going sailing. Nazir can’t reach her by phone, and the threesome takes off to check on her welfare. The door’s open, but she’s missing. Michaela discovers a few drops of blood, and they assume she was taken against her will.

Nazir discovers their life savings has been stolen from their safe.

Farnaz returns home, uninjured but shaken up. She claims someone took their money and that she went to the police station and reported it. Michaela and Jared are skeptical of her story, and Jared tricks her into admitting it’s not true. Michaela knows she took the money and staged the scene to look like a robbery.

Ben and Vance question Eagan but he claims his mother would never steal anything. Ben slips into a calling and sees an object that looks like a heart with strings around it pulled from the ocean. Eagan realizes his protégé Cheryl – the woman who comes to visit him – has double-crossed him and stolen from his family.

Eagan and Cheryl had been running a con on the loved ones of passengers, promising to get their 828ers out of the detention center. They scammed the loved ones for money, knowing they couldn’t go to the cops when they realized they’d been taken. Cheryl must have used the con on his mom, which means his mom still loves him and was desperate to see him.

Eagan knows how to get the money back, but they have to act fast.

They stage a sting and take Cheryl into custody. Her bag is loaded with stolen cash.

Michaela had mentioned that she missed being able to go for a run, and Jared slashes their tire to buy some time for them to go for a short run. (They’ve been upping their flirting game this episode.) At the end of the run, Jared tries to kiss her, but Michaela won’t let him. Jared knows she’s still in love with Zeke, even though Zeke can’t love her back. Michaela says she’s not ready but doesn’t stop him from caressing her face and kissing her forehead.

Manifest Season 4 Episode 13 Recap
Parveen Kaur as Saanvi Bahl in ‘Manifest’ season 4 episode 13 (Photo Cr. Netflix © 2022)

The boils and their resulting deaths are spreading. Anyone who’s touched one of the two dead bodies must be isolated. Saanvi gets test results that confirm both plagues have Captain Daly’s DNA in them. Saanvi believes the only way to stop this is to examine Captain Daly. Zimmer refuses to admit she has Daly at the center, and Saanvi doesn’t let on that she’s seen him.

Angelina visits Eden as Olive once again and is about to read a Bible passage – Revelations 11 – with her when she’s forced to leave after hearing a door open. Back in her own body, she reads the passage. It involves God sending two witnesses represented by two olive trees to bring on the end of times. However, the two witnesses must die, so she’ll have to kill Fiona Clarke and Bill Daly.

Eagan’s parents visit him at the center and although his father’s standoffish, his mother is overcome with emotion. He takes all the blame for them almost losing everything again and hates himself for what happened. He doesn’t blame them for hating him.

“You are our heart, son,” says Nazir. “No matter what you do, we are bound to you.”

Cal and Olive set up a camera and agree to take shifts to watch over Fiona. Olive notices the olive trees drawing has been moved under the photos of Fiona and Bill, and Cal assures her he’d never move her stuff. She then notices the Bible is open to Revelations 11, and Cal notes it says the witnesses will have the power to strike the earth with plagues.

They debate whether plagues make a person bad, and Cal believes it just means having them makes people listen to what they say. They also realize they must keep Bill and Fiona safe from the beast that will rise up and attack the witnesses.

After hours Saanvi sneaks down to Bill’s room and he’s awake. She promises to help him fix things, and he agrees to let her take a blood sample.

Angelina, appearing as Olive, makes Eden check on Fiona. She tells Eden to remove the tube from Fiona’s chest because it’s hurting her, and Eden does as told. Fiona begins gasping for air and tries to reach for the tube but it’s too far away.

Fiona dies as Angelina makes plans to drive her van to NY and kill Bill.

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