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‘Manifest’ Season 4 Episode 12 Recap: “Bug Out”

Manifest Season 4 Episode 12 Recap
Manifest Season 4 Episode 12 Recap
Parveen Kaur and Josh Dallas in ‘Manifest’ season 4 episode 12 (Photo Cr. Peter Kramer/Netflix © 2022)

Angelina’s hanging out among unhoused families as Netflix’s Manifest season four episode 12 begins. She’s made friends with a young girl and shows off her scarred hand, explaining it’s so special that God even made it glow just yesterday.

Angelina (Holly Taylor) believes God needs her to prepare for the day of judgment.

Ben’s dad, Steve, helps fix a sink while Cal (Ty Doran) watches. Cal’s sorry Steve had to go back to work to help support them, and he hates that he can’t get a job for fear of being discovered. Steve assures him it’s okay and that he needs to keep being careful.

Michaela (Melissa Roxburgh) is having a horrible day, and a visit from Zeke (from the glow) is the only thing that brightens up her mood. She hates the detention center and wants to stay with him in the glow. She can’t, and Zeke (Matt Long) can’t even provide answers about the future because it might change her decisions.

Talking about the past is safe, and Zeke reveals there were multiple moments in their lives where they almost met but didn’t. Zeke describes a moment from 2007 where Michaela almost ran into him but caught herself at the last moment. He was only an aisle away the day she bought her first box of purple hair dye. And by a weird coincidence, he was at JFK the night 828 should have landed.

He sees it all from the glow.

It’s painful for Michaela not to be able to hold him and kiss him, but she doesn’t want him to stop these visits. This visit’s cut short when Michaela’s brought into a meeting with Director Zimmer (Patricia Mauceri), Jared (J.R. Ramirez), and Vance (Daryl Edwards). Vance and Zimmer believe she can help Joe Butler solve his calling and reunite with his son, given that she’s a passenger and has a law enforcement background.

Butler’s calling involved a city-authorized work order with ink spilled on it. He heard classical violins, the lights were dim, and he recalls seeing some numbers.

Michaela will be partnered with Jared and has to return by 5pm…or else.

Vance finds Ben (Josh Dallas) in solitary, writing “wake him up” repeatedly on the wall. He can’t pull him out of the calling and brings in Dr. Saanvi Bahl (Parveen Kaur) to help out. Saanvi thinks they need to let him finish and not disturb the calling.

After Vance leaves, Saanvi keeps up a one-sided conversation with Ben as he scribbles on the wall. She even fills him in on the secret that 828er Polly is pregnant. Ben finally breaks out of his calling and has no idea what “wake him up” is about.

They look closely at the spacing between words, and Saanvi figures out it’s a map of the detention center. They decide to go on a treasure hunt and not wait for the Callings Unit to handle this.

They carefully make their way around the building, making sure to avoid the guards and cameras. They hear someone coming and Saanvi pulls Ben in for a kiss as their cover. It’s Vance with news that they need to return to their rooms soon before a surprise count takes place.

Vance distracts a guard so they can continue their search. Ben’s calling leads them to 828 Captain Bill Daly (Frank Deal) in a bed, hooked up to machines. They recall that after Cal touched 828’s tail fin he saw Daly in the glow, but how did Daly get to the detention center?

Ben realizes they need to wake him up, and Saanvi copies her favorite movie, Pulp Fiction, and slams adrenaline into Bill’s heart.

Meanwhile, Jared and Michaela visit Jared’s little brother for help figuring out the work order. He determines the numbers indicate the work order is for one of 15 businesses on a specific block.

Manifest Season 4 Episode 12 Recap
J.R. Ramirez as Jared Vasquez and Melissa Roxburgh as Michaela Stone in ‘Manifest’ season 4 episode 12 (Photo Cr. Netflix © 2022)

Michaela and Jared check out nine buildings with no luck and debate visiting a bar they like that serves awesome Lithuanian beer to break up the day. Fortunately, their luck changes when they open the door to building 10 and hear classical violin music.

Graham Carpenter, the proprietor, claims there shouldn’t be any maintenance orders open involving his store. Everything’s up to code. They look around anyway and don’t spot anything unusual. They leave but hang around outside, and Jared suggests they call Olive. Maybe she can figure out a clue from the callings boards.

Ben smashed Olive’s phone, so they call Cal for help. Cal looks up info on Joe Butler, seat 29C, and learns he’s had a rough few years. Next, Cal looks for anything on dim lights, ink, contractors, or ooze, but nothing stands out. Cal suggests that he can try and get into Joe’s head and see the calling for himself.

He touches Joe’s photo, and his dragon scar begins to glow. Cal finds himself on the plane and takes seat 29C. A work order appears in front of him, along with a chandelier with blinding lights.

Cal tells Michaela and Jared what he saw and that the chandelier’s lights burned so brightly that they shattered. The chandelier was over the front desk.

They return to the store and learn the chandelier was removed decades ago, and the electricity to it was shut down in the 1930s. Graham’s done with them, but Michaela knows they need to follow the wires. She heads downstairs while Graham insists nothing’s down there.

Michaela realizes one wall is fake, and Jared appears just in time to stop Graham from knocking her out from behind. Michaela and Jared tear a hole in the wall and discover half a dozen children locked in a room. It’s a trafficking ring and one of the kids is Joe’s son, Charlie!

As soon as Saanvi wakes Bill up, Cal’s yanked into the plane and finds an apple with blood on it. The only person on the plane is Angelina, and Cal is shocked she’s alive. She believes they’re connected, but Cal wants nothing to do with her and leaves the calling.

He still has blood on his hand when he returns to himself.

Bill’s unable to tell them anything before the alarms sound and all passengers must return to their rooms. Ben promises he’ll be back as soon as possible.

Jared and Michaela return to the detention center and inform Joe that his calling saved his son’s life. They’ve brought Charlie to see him, and Charlie’s happy his new foster family’s agreed to bring him for visits whenever he wants.

Zeke visits Michaela as soon as she’s back in her room, and she admits it felt good to be back out helping people. But it sucks she has to return to lock-up after solving a calling. She needs a hug and Zeke wishes he could give her one.

The visit ends before Zeke can tell her everything’s going to be okay.

Zeke can’t give her a hug, but Jared can, and he hugs and thanks her for her help. He surprises her with a Lithuanian beer and Michaela laughs and enjoys a drink.

It’s the dead of night when Cal heads out to the apple orchard. He stops in front of the massive ditch in the orchard, outside of the barn from Bethany’s calling, and then visits the barn. Inside, he spots the apple from his calling on the floor. Under it is a trap door, and opening it reveals a person lying on the floor. He rolls the person over and exclaims, “You!”

Episode 12, “Bug Out,” ends with Zimmer and a few staff in Bill Daly’s secret room. Zimmer is confused about why Daly’s awake, and when he opens his mouth to answer her, thousands of grasshoppers fly out and fill up the room.

The post ‘Manifest’ Season 4 Episode 12 Recap: “Bug Out” appeared first on ShowbizJunkies.

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