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‘Manifest’ Season 4 Episode 15 Recap: “Throttle”

Manifest Season 4 Episode 15 Recap
Manifest Season 4 Episode 15 Recap
Melissa Roxburgh and J.R. Ramirez in ‘Manifest’ season 4 episode 15 (Photo Cr. Netflix © 2022)

Bill Daly’s blood has apparently turned the Hudson River red outside of the 828 detention center as Netflix’s Manifest season four episode 15 opens. The mood among NY citizens is darkening with this new development, and more people are turning against the 828ers since they appear to be the cause of multiple plagues.

The passengers holed up in the safe house wonder if they need to find a new place to hide out. Co-captain Daniel Amuta (Leajato Amara Robinson) is in charge, and he orders his fellow 828ers to get ready to hunker down. “The city’s a powder keg,” says Amuta.

Ben (Josh Dallas) is certain that having Angelina locked up at the center is a horrible idea. He suggests that Director Zimmer consider using Saanvi’s calling-suppressing serum on Angelina, but Zimmer claims that holding Angelina in isolation is enough.

The truth’s revealed in the next scene when Zimmer confirms she’s working with Angelina (Holly Taylor), hoping to use her powers to get Amuta and the other missing 828ers to turn themselves in. They struck a deal, and if Angelina doesn’t deliver the passengers, she’s never leaving the detention center.

Michaela’s dad, Steve, pays her a visit and fills her in on the chaos outside. Businesses are shuttered, people are protesting, and everyone’s blaming the 828ers. He assures his daughter that Cal and Olive are fine; they’re out of town visiting a friend.

Steve slips Michaela (Melissa Roxburgh) an important note from Olive about something TJ can do to help the passengers. He’s obviously exhausted and suddenly falls to the ground.

Ben rushes to Michaela’s room, and she doesn’t think their dad’s going to be okay but no one will tell her what’s going on. Ben suggests that she fake a calling and use it as a reason to be let out so she can visit their dad. Michaela refuses to let another loved one pass on when she’s not able to say goodbye.

Jordan the custodian – and proud new papa – slips TJ (Garrett Wareing) the note from Olive. TJ’s shocked that Angelina’s locked up in the detention center and that she’s using the power of the Omega Sapphire.

Eagan (Ali Lopez-Sohaili) noticed the note handoff and wants in on getting revenge on Angelina and getting his sapphire back.

Outside, Daniel Amuta turns himself in and meets with Zimmer, demanding to see Captain Bill Daly. If she doesn’t show him Daly, he’ll never help her bring the other passengers in.

Michaela and Jared (J.R. Ramirez) request permission to leave to follow Michaela’s calling. Zimmer’s suspicious that Michaela wants out while her father’s in the hospital, but Saanvi confirms Michaela had a calling and has MRI results to prove it. (She did have one, but not the one she’s telling Zimmer about.)

Zimmer lets them leave, but Jared will face disciplinary action if anything happens.

Amuta meets with Ben and learns that Angelina fooled him into turning himself in by appearing to him as Captain Bill Daly. Ben breaks the news that Daly is dead, and Amuta realizes he was tricked into leaving all the passengers at the safe house to fend for themselves.

It suddenly dawns on Ben that Zimmer is working with Angelina to find all the missing passengers.

Amuta won’t give up the location of the safe house, so Zimmer forces Angelina to use her power to return to his mind and learn the street address. Angelina tries, but her connection’s broken when the detention center rumbles. Zimmer insists she tries again, and before she gets any further information, another earthquake is triggered.

Amuta gives Ben the code word – “chicken coop” – which will make the passengers at the safe house realize they’re in trouble.

Zimmer had previously requested Ben speak to the press, and now he claims to have changed his mind and wants to meet with the media. He steps outside and slips chicken coop into his speech twice, begging those assembled to treat the passengers as humans and insisting they know nothing about the bloody river or the tremors.

Someone in the crowd launches a projectile at Ben and cracks him in the head. Blood pours down his face, but at least he accomplished his mission.

Manifest Season 4 Episode 15 Recap
Ellen Tamaki in ‘Manifest’ season 4 episode 15 (Photo Cr. David Giesbrecht/Netflix © 2022)

Michaela and Jared make it to a spot Michaela claims is from her calling, and finally, Michaela comes clean and confesses she made up a story about this particular calling. (Her real calling had to do with a babbling brook.) Michaela’s also cooked up a plan to get rid of the tracker embedded in her shoulder. Drea (Ellen Tamaki) shows up with alcohol that Michaela uses as a disinfectant. Once Jared removes the tracker, Drea promises to drive around for a couple of hours to throw Zimmer and her minions off Michaela’s trail.

Jared’s too squeamish, so Drea does the cutting. Michaela’s tracker is out in less than a minute.

They make it to the hospital and learn her dad suffered a massive stroke and can no longer speak. He needs 24-hour care, and recovery will cost a lot of money and commitment from his family. Jared offers to take Steve wherever Michaela wants, but she has no idea what to do.

Jared and Michaela move Steve into the backseat as they figure out what to do next. Michaela experiences the calling with a babbling brook again, and now she believes it’s by Tarik’s house. Their time is almost up, but Michaela refuses to return to the center, certain she needs to follow the calling and be with her dad.

Jared volunteers to go with her, but Michaela knows that means that Jared will be blowing up his career if he does. Jared understands that and thinks this is what he’s meant to do. They should have been together before, and he’s willing to become a fugitive to stay with her this time.

They kiss, and this time Michaela doesn’t pull away.

Drea joins them, and Michaela asks her to tell Ben she loves him but she has to stay with their dad.

Drea drops the bottle of alcohol with Michaela’s tracker in the bed of a truck.

Back at the center, Jordan helps Eagan and TJ figure out where they’re holding Angelina.

Ben’s message worked, and the passengers are gone by the time Zimmer’s people bust into the safe house. Zimmer thinks Angelina tipped them off and demands to know where they went, but Angelina doesn’t know. Zimmer threatens to keep her locked up forever, and Angelina warns her she can use the Omega Sapphire against her; Zimmer shouldn’t make her into an enemy.

Zimmer reveals she wants the power of the sapphire for herself!

Saanvi’s treating Ben’s head wound when Zimmer demands that she drop what she’s doing and remove the sapphire from Angelina’s hand. Angelina’s thrashing around on a gurney, tied down and insisting God gave the sapphire to her.

Saanvi is reluctant to attempt the removal since they have no idea what will happen to Angelina when they do. Plus, Saanvi wonders what Zimmer plans on doing with the sapphire, and Zimmer claims her superiors will figure that part out.

It’s going to happen with or without Saanvi, so she begins to prep for the operation. Suddenly, the sapphire leaves Angelina’s palm and appears to travel up her arm. Her veins glow as it’s absorbed into them. Extracting it now would kill her.

Manifest Season 4 Episode 15 Recap
Parveen Kaur as Saanvi Bahl in ‘Manifest’ season 4 (Photo Cr. Netflix © 2022)

Saanvi’s alone with Angelina when Ben rushes out of hiding and grabs the syringe with the experimental serum. He’s determined to inject Angelina so that she’ll no longer be able to project false callings. Saanvi’s adamant that Ben needs to reconsider, sure this will kill Angelina.

Ben injects Angelina while Angelina cries out for him to stop. Her powers are all she has left, but Ben doesn’t care. She killed his wife and kidnapped his daughter, and he wants her to feel the pain that she caused.

Eagan and TJ are watching from outside the room, and as soon as the injection’s in, the tremors begin. Saanvi and Ben experience a high-pitched whistling and then Angelina screams, causing TJ and Eagan to cover their ears in agony.

Angelina continues screaming, and the building begins to fall apart. Windows break and parts of the walls tumble down, while all the 828ers writhe in pain.

Michaela and the 828ers who aren’t locked up are also affected by Angelina’s screams. Michaela passes out while driving and only Jared’s swift actions keep the car from slamming into a tree.

Eagan leaves Joseph and TJ injured on the floor and runs off with Joseph’s badge. Saanvi and Ben are also passed out on the floor, but Angelina’s awake and begging for help. “The only thing walking out this door is me and the sapphire,” says Eagan.

Angelina shows him her veins and says he wants her, not the sapphire. Her veins glow blue as Eagan loosens her restraints. Eagan will lead her out of the facility only if she has a place for them to hide out. Angelina believes she knows just the place.

Saanvi and Ben come to, and Saanvi tests her DNA. She realizes her callings are gone. However, it’s not just her callings. The callings are gone from every 828er!

Ben can’t believe he just sank the Lifeboat. Angelina’s screams short-circuited their calling receptors and now she’s escaped.

Michaela wakes up in the passenger seat, and Jared confesses he has no idea what happened. Zimmer texts Jared and says he needs to return ASAP. She also confirms that the passengers have lost their callings.

Michaela and Jared decide to ignore the texts and keep driving.

Eagan and Angelina show up at the new safe house and the 828ers let them in, unaware who/what Angelina is.

TJ joins Saanvi and Ben and shows them a drawing from Olive of a red river. The drawing is of the World card.

The results of the river water are in, and Saanvi’s shocked that red algae caused Peyssonnelia, which can only mean a fissure has opened in the earth’s crust. It has nothing to do with Daly’s blood and everything to do with a volcano erupting beneath them!

Zimmer barges in and has her men take Saanvi away. She’s being transferred but Zimmer doesn’t say where they’re taking her.

Ben realizes Saanvi’s not the only scientist who figured out there’s a volcano under New York. TJ’s pieced it together and explains that the World card shows the red river leading to a volcano. Clues have been leading them to this, but they just didn’t realize it.

The world is ending, and now they know how it will happen.

The post ‘Manifest’ Season 4 Episode 15 Recap: “Throttle” appeared first on ShowbizJunkies.

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