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‘House of the Dragon’ Season 1 Episode 9 Recap: “The Green Council”

House of the Dragon Season 1 Episode 9 Recap
House of the Dragon Season 1 Episode 9 Recap
Rhys Ifans, Olivia Cooke, and Fabien Frankel in ‘House of the Dragon’ episode 9 (Photograph by Ollie Upton / HBO)

The mood is somber and the halls are darkened as HBO’s House of the Dragon season one episode nine begins. There’s no one to be seen in the Red Keep until a young boy emerges from a room. He strides through the empty hallways, walks through the busy but quiet kitchen, and delivers a message to Talya.

The King is dead and the Queen is informed. She demands her handmaiden, Talya, tell no one.

Queen Alicent (Olivia Cooke) meets with her father, Ser Otto (Rhys Ifans), and confirms no one but a few know. She believes Viserys told her Aegon should be King, insisting those were his last words to her. Unfortunately, she was the only one in the room. (Viserys thought he was speaking with Rhaenyra.)

Talya sends a signal to someone that the King has died by lighting candles in a single window.

The small council’s assembled in the middle of the night and Ser Otto informs them King Viserys is dead. They will grieve for him, but Ser Otto explains that just before he drew his final breath, he told the Queen his wish was for Aegon to be his successor.

The room falls silent for a beat and then Lord Jason Lannister (Jefferson Hall) speaks up, agreeing they need to proceed quickly to follow his wishes. Ser Otto confirms they’ll replace anyone on the City Watch who’s faithful to Prince Daemon.

Lord Lyman Beesbury (Bill Paterson) looks on in shock and disbelief.

The Hand orders ravens sent to Riverrun and Highcastle, and it’s only at this point Alicent realizes some members of the small council have been plotting to install Aegon for a while without her knowledge.

Lord Beesbury is enraged and calls Aegon an imposter. An argument ensues and Beesbury refuses to believe Viserys, his longtime friend, made this last-minute change in plans. Beesbury believes this is treason and theft of the Iron Throne.

Beesbury wonders who can swear King Viserys died of his own accord. Ser Criston Cole (Fabien Frankel) slams Lord Beesbury’s face into the table, killing him. Lord Commander Ser Harrold Westerling (Graham McTavish) immediately orders Ser Criston to throw down his sword and resign.

Ser Otto demands the door remain shut so they can continue the meeting with Lord Beesbury’s dead body leaking blood onto the table.

Lord Lannister believes Storm’s End may be a problem but an offer of marriage to one of Lord Baratheon’s daughters may soothe that situation. Otto suggests Princess Rhaenyra and her family should immediately be taken prisoner to stop them from drawing supporters.

Queen Alicent knows neither Princess Rhaenyra nor Prince Daemon will ever bend the knee, and when she asks if they’ve all agreed to kill the Princess, no one denies it. A living challenger invites battle and bloodshed.

Ser Otto thinks it’s a necessary sacrifice. He orders Lord Commander Westerling to take his knights to Dragonstone and be “quick and be clean.”

The Lord Commander has spent the entire discussion looking disgusted and disturbed. He resigns his position rather than follow Ser Otto’s order.

Queen Alicent rushes to her children’s chambers in search of Aegon. Princess Helaena (Phila Saban) doesn’t know where her husband-brother is and Alicent breaks the news that Viserys has died. Prince Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) joins them, looking somber, as Helaena says, “There is a beast beneath the boards.”

Ser Otto asks Ser Erryk Cargyll, Prince Aegon’s protector, where his charge is and Erryk explains Aegon took off and is in the city. Otto orders him to take just his brother and quietly search for Aegon. They can’t let anyone know what they’re doing, so they need to remove their white cloaks. Not even the Queen can know.

Otto commands Ser Erryk to bring Aegon directly to him once he’s located.

Princess Rhaenys (Eve Best) is locked in her room without warning. Servants and their families (including Talya) are rounded up and locked in cells so they cannot spread the news of King Viserys’ death.

Queen Alicent’s planning mimics her father’s. She orders Ser Criston to find Aegon and bring him to her. Aemond volunteers to go with Criston, certain he’s best equipped to locate his brother.

Ser Otto gathers the lords and demands they pledge their banners to Prince Aegon, the future King. He refuses to allow them to leave until they acquiesce.

Lady Fell of Felwood keeps her oath to Princess Rhaenyra as does one other House, and they’re hauled off by guards. Everyone else ultimately bends the knee, including a reluctant Lord Caswell.

Lord Larys Strong (Matthew Needham) watches this from the balcony.

Ser Criston and Prince Aemond are in disguise as they search for Prince Aegon. They head to a brothel and are told he hasn’t been there in years. “His tastes are known to be less discriminating,” says the madam.

They continue their search and Aemond reveals he believes he deserves to be king, not his brother. He also believes they can’t locate Aegon because they’re decent men and don’t share his depravity.

Ser Erryk and his twin brother, Ser Arryk, are also searching while blending in with the simple folk. They hear the roar of a crowd and follow the noise to find children fighting. Prince Aegon spends many nights here, enjoying the brutality. It’s also pointed out that at least one of the children is likely Aegon’s.

The twins know Aegon’s not fit to rule, and his joy at watching children brawl confirms it. A woman approaches revealing she knows where Aegon is and will hand him over for a price. But her mistress, the White Worm, will only speak to the Hand of the King about the delivery of Prince Aegon.

Meanwhile, Lord Allun Caswell attempts to ride out through the gate and is dragged from his horse. He’s brought before Ser Otto and won’t say where he was headed. Caswell’s taken away by guards to be locked up.

Ser Otto thanks Lord Larys for sounding the alarm and stopping his departure.

House of the Dragon Season 1 Episode 9 Recap
Olivia Cooke in ‘House of the Dragon’ season 1 episode 9 (Photograph by Liam Daniel/ HBO)

Queen Alicent watches as King Viserys’ body is wrapped by the Silent Sisters. After they’re done, she places his crown on her dead husband’s chest. She briefly cries and then regains her self-control.

Next, Alicent visits Princess Rhaenys and apologizes for locking her in. Rhaenys realizes Viserys is dead and Alicent is usurping the throne. Alicent insists it was Viserys’ dying wish. She wants Rhaenys’ support, pointing out that her family has been devastated by its association with Princess Rhaenyra and the Targaryens.

“The word of my House is not fickle,” replies Princess Rhaenys.

Queen Alicent claims she has always thought Rhaenys deserved to have been Queen and that the Iron Throne was hers by blood. Viserys would have been better off as a country lord than as king. “We do not rule but we may guide the men who do, gently, away from violence and sure destruction and instead toward peace,” says Queen Alicent.

Princess Rhaenys realizes they’ve taken her dragon so it can’t be used against the usurpers. Alicent promises her Driftmark, if she wants it, for her and her granddaughter to pass on as she sees fit.

Rhaenys is impressed by Alicent but wonders why she’s still subservient to men rather than placing herself on the throne. Alicent takes a moment, looks ready to answer, but leaves without replying.

Back out on the streets, Ser Criston and Aemond spot Mysaria meeting with Ser Otto. They remain hidden as the meeting takes place.

Ser Otto questions her identity, and Mysaria’s knowledge of the death of King Viserys confirms she is in fact the White Worm. He delivers a large bag of coins and she reveals she’s got Aegon safely tucked away. In exchange for his release, she demands they end the savage use of children in Flea Bottom.

Ser Otto promises he’ll look into it.

Mysaria isn’t satisfied and warns him that he needs to remember she’s responsible for installing Aegon on the Iron Throne since she chose to let him live when she easily could have killed him. She adds, “There is no power but what the people allow you to take.”

Ser Erryk and his twin brother retrieve Prince Aegon from a hidden compartment, dragging him out as he screams. He demands to be taken to his mother, but they inform him he’ll be taken to Ser Otto.

Ser Criston and Prince Aemond ambush Erryk and Arryk as they’re moving Aegon. A sword fight breaks out and Criston fights as Aemond pins his brother to the ground. Aemond then forces him to stand and won’t let go as Aegon screams, “I have no wish to rule, no taste for duty! I’m not suited!”

He promises Aemond that if he lets him go, he’ll disappear. Ser Criston joins them before Aemond can react to the offer.

Queen Alicent meets with her father, and he congratulates her on a game well played. (She won the battle over Aegon.) Alicent has finally realized all she’s ever been to her father is a pawn to move about the board. He reminds her he made her Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. She also realizes she has no idea what she wanted for her life.

Alicent and Otto argue over the necessity of killing Princess Rhaenyra. Alicent decides she’ll send her an offer to support Aegon. Her terms will allow Rhaenyra to live without shame. Otto continues to believe death is the only option. Otherwise, Rhaenyra’s allies will throw their support behind her and go to war.

Alicent believes what she has planned would satisfy King Viserys. Ser Criston will be named Lord Commander and Aegon will be crowned the following morning in front of all of King’s Landing. Aegon will take Aegon the Conqueror’s crown and his sword, Blackfyre. That will help the people remember the strength of House Targaryen.

Lord Larys is in Queen Alicent’s chamber when she returns. He reveals there’s a web of spies working in the Red Keep, and Ser Otto uses them to get an advantage over everyone. One of the little spiders is her Lady in Waiting, Talya. She’s not the only one, claims Larys. The solution is to kill the White Worm which will decapitate Ser Otto’s spy network.

Alicent takes her shoes off which, apparently, is a turn-on to Larys. He masturbates as she looks away.

We’re shown glimpses of the assorted key players spending a tense night unable to sleep.

Ser Erryk shows up in Princess Rhaenys’ room and says, “With me, Princess. I cannot let this treachery stand.” They walk past the hanging body of Lord Caswell and down passageways until they’re outside the castle.

A house is on fire as they make their way through darkened streets. The sun rises and she wants to fetch Meleys, but Ser Erryk explains she’ll be captured if she tries. She has to board a ship and leave before they’re aware she’s missing.

Townsfolk flood the streets as the Kingsguard and the City Watch round everyone up.

A bell tolls as Prince Aegon and Queen Alicent travel by carriage to his ceremony. Aegon is certain this is not what Viserys wanted, but Alicent is equally sure he changed his mind. He’s unconvinced since his father didn’t like him. He chuckles when his mom continues to insist it was Viserys’ dying wish.

He turns serious when she shows him Aegon the Conqueror’s dagger, and now he’s willing to believe she’s telling the truth. Alicent instructs him to reject her father’s wish that Rhaenyra be put to death. He replies, “Do you love me?”

“You imbecile,” says Alicent.

The crowd is pushed forward, forced to follow the carriage. Rhaenys remains hidden among them.

They enter the great hall as Ser Otto announces King Viserys the Peaceful is dead. Otto reveals to the crowd that King Viserys’ final wish was that Aegon should succeed him. Muted clapping is heard as the City Watch forms two lines, swords raised, and Prince Aegon walks through the arch they’ve created. He ascends the stairs and takes his place next to his mother, Aemond, and his grandfather.

Rhaenys sneaks out as everyone is occupied watching the ceremony.

Alicent kisses her son’s forehead and accompanies him to stand before Septon Eustace. Aegon kneels as his forehead’s anointed and Septon Eustace says a blessing. Ser Criston is handed the crown of Aegon the Conqueror. He places it on Aegon’s head while Aemond stares icily and Helaena averts her eyes.

“Let the Seven bear witness. Aegon Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne,” announces Ser Criston.

One by one Aegon’s family members lower their heads. The applause starts off quiet but builds to a roar.

King Aegon looks around the hall and then thrusts his sword into the air. The crowd cheers for their new King.

Suddenly the floor rumbles and bursts open under the crowd. (Helaena had predicted this but no one understood or listened to her warning.) Princess Rhaenys’ dragon, Meleys, emerges through the hole and lets out a mighty roar. He thrashes around, using his tail to strike down anyone still standing. The crowd race for the doors as Rhaenys is shown seated on Meleys’ back.

Ser Otto orders the doors be opened so people can escape the dragon.

Rhaenys guides her dragon toward Queen Alicent as Alicent quickly moves in front of King Aegon. They’re mere feet away and although Meleys opens her mouth and roars, she doesn’t set them on fire.

Rhaenys and Meleys fly away, leaving behind death and destruction – but, fortunately for King Aegon II, not a city on fire.

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