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‘House of the Dragon’ Season 1 Episode 8 Recap: “The Lord of the Tides”

House of the Dragon Episode 8
House of the Dragon Episode 8
Matt Smith, Emma D’Arcy, and Eve Best in ‘House of the Dragon’ season 1 episode 8 (Photograph by Ollie Upton / HBO)

It’s been six years since Princess Rhaenys Targaryen last saw Lord Corlys Velaryon as HBO’s House of the Dragon season one episode eight begins. And 10 years have passed since Queen Alicent slashed Princess Rhaenyra’s arm, effectively drawing a line in blood between the greens (the Hightowers and their allies) and the blacks (the Targaryens and their supporters).

Princess Rhaenys receives the devastating news that Corlys had his throat slashed in an ambush. His ship’s maester as well as Corlys’ brother, Ser Vaemond Velaryon (Wil Johnson), are more worried about the blood fever affecting him than the wound. Rhaenys (Eve Best) refuses to believe Corlys will almost certainly die soon.

Who will take the Driftwood Throne if he dies? Rhaenys thinks it should pass to Lucerys Velaryon as Corlys requested, but Vaemond insists he’s the rightful heir. Vaemond knows Lucerys isn’t of true Velaryon blood and instead is from House Strong.

Vaemond doesn’t need Rhaenys’ support because he’s certain Queen Alicent will take his side. (Alicent is ruling in King Viserys’ place since he’s gravely ill.)

Over at Dragonstone, Prince Daemon (Matt Smith) retrieves three dragon eggs from Syrax’s clutch to be placed in a warming chamber. He hands them off and receives a note written by Lady Baela explaining Vaemond’s questioning Luke’s legitimacy.

Princess Rhaenyra (Emma D’Arcy) checks on her boys as they study. A teenage Jace (Harry Collett) is set on learning High Velaryon to prepare for sitting on the Iron Throne. Rhaenyra sends them away when Daemon arrives looking worried.

Rhaenyra realizes this means even her own right to the throne will be questioned. Daemon’s certain Rhaenys is still backing Rhaenyra as heir, but Rhaenyra knows Rhaenys has only taken in Baela as her ward because she’s Laena’s daughter – not because she has any love for either of them.

Daemon touches his wife’s pregnant belly as they agree to visit King’s Landing.

They arrive and Lord Caswell’s the only one who greets their carriage.

A meeting of the small council takes place with Queen Alicent (Olivia Cooke) at the head of the table. Ser Harrold Westerling (Graham McTavish) interrupts to announce Rhaenyra and Daemon have arrived. A discussion ensues about Vaemond’s claim to the throne over Lucerys’, and it’s revealed Corlys never formally named him as heir – although they’re all aware that was his desire.

The Crown must choose. Lord Beesbury continues to insist it’s obvious Lucerys is the rightful heir.

Ser Erryk Cargyll stops Queen Alicent on her way to greet Rhaenyra and informs her Prince Aegon’s gotten into trouble – again.

Rhaenyra and Daemon visit King Viserys’ chambers and he’s in bed, breathing labored, and looking skeletal. His hair’s gone and his body shows signs of advanced disease. (Paddy Considine says Viserys has leprosy.) He can’t see well, his teeth are missing, and Rhaenyra has to tell him who she is. He asks to sit up and Rhaenyra assists him. Even though Viserys is near death, Daemon doesn’t take time to ask after his health and gets right to business.

With Corlys injured, they need to decide on who will inherit the Driftwood Throne. Daemon insists that Viserys take Luke’s side and back his petition.

Rhaenyra asks for their children – Aegon and Viserys – to be brought in since Viserys has never met his grandchildren. He laughs in delight but quickly becomes too exhausted to interact with them.

Viserys asks for his tea and after he takes a sip, Daemon sniffs the glass.

Alicent finds a young woman in her son Aegon’s room and the girl’s frightened to death she’ll be disciplined. Her name’s Dyana and she stumbles through a recap of what happened. She wasn’t aware Aegon was in the room and then when she asked him to stop, he refused. Alicent claims she believes her, and Dyana calms down a little.

Alicent explains that since the girl was alone with Aegon, no one will believe her story. They might think she’s trying to besmirch or entice the prince. Dyana swears on her life she’ll never tell anyone and Alicent pays her for her troubles.

Alicent then forces the young girl to drink the special tea, just in case she’s pregnant.

After Dyana flees, Alicent demands Aegon think about what he’s just done. (It’s obvious this is a common behavior.) “You are no son of mine,” whispers Alicent. Aegon cries and says he didn’t ask for this. He claims he’s trying so hard but it’s never enough.

Rhaenyra and Daemon meet with Alicent, and the scar on Rhaenyra’s arm looms large. They note she didn’t greet them at their carriage, and Alicent explains Viserys’ condition is considerably worse than when they last saw him.

It’s a tense meeting and Rhaenyra accuses Alicent of keeping Viserys high on milk of the poppy so that she and Lord Otto can rule in his place. Alicent insists it’s strictly for his own benefit.

Daemon has noticed the changes to the castle and demands to know why Targaryen heraldry has been replaced by statues and stars. Alicent says the emblems of the Seven help guide them and remind them of a higher authority.

Alicent confirms she will be the one making the decision about who will rule Driftmark, along with Ser Otto.

House of the Dragon Episode 8
Harry Collett in ‘House of the Dragon’ season 1 episode 8 (Photograph by Ollie Upton / HBO)

Luke and Jace visit their old training grounds, drawing the attention of all gathered. Jace doesn’t care but Luke knows if he looked Velaryon rather than like Ser Harwin Strong, no one would stare. Jace reminds him it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks.

They’re distracted watching Ser Criston fight with Prince Aemond (who looks like a grown man and much older than his older brother, Aegon), and it turns out Prince Aemond is quite skilled, even with one eye. Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) spots his nephews and wonders if they’re there to train.

Ser Vaemond Velaryon marches in so Jace and Luke don’t have to reply.

Vaemond speaks privately with Alicent and Otto about what will happen if Lord Corlys doesn’t survive. The Hand is concerned with putting a child in charge of the Navy if war comes to their doorstep. Alicent believes they need to act in the best interest of the realm, and Vaemond promises the next Lord of the Tides will be in her debt. Of course, he means if he’s named the rightful heir.

Meanwhile in the Godswood, Princess Rhaenys is happy to see her granddaughter Rhaena, and Rhaenyra compliments Rhaenys’ job of watching over Baela. Rhaenys and Rhaenyra have a moment alone and Rhaenyra wonders why Rhaenys is there. She quickly figures out Rhaenys intends to claim the Driftwood Throne for herself and cut out Lucerys.

Rhaenyra says she loved Laenor, even though Rhaenys may not believe it. She swears she didn’t order his death and wasn’t complicit in it. Rhaenys walks away, unwilling to listen to any more of this.

Rhaenyra stops her in her tracks when she makes an offer to wed her children to Laena’s. Baela will be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and her sons will be heirs to the Iron Throne. Rhaena would rule in Driftmark, which means it would ultimately pass to Lucerys’ children.

Rhaenys isn’t sure if this is a generous offer or a desperate one. Rhaenyra doesn’t believe it matters which it is. Rhaenys doesn’t accept the offer.

“Tomorrow the Hightowers land their first blow. They force you to your knees, and I must stand alone,” says Rhaenys.

Rhaenyra did not anticipate this turn of events.

It’s late at night when she visits her father again. He doesn’t have the strength to open his eyes, and Rhaenyra asks if he believes the Song of Ice and Fire is true. She reminds him it is their duty to hold the realm together against a common foe. But naming her heir has divided the realm.

She confesses the burden’s too heavy.

Viserys calls her his “only child,” and she begs him to defend her and her children if he wants her to continue to bear this burden. Viserys is in no shape to have this discussion and Rhaenyra doesn’t get the answer she seeks.

The next day Viserys’ many wounds are tended to while Ser Otto (Rhys Ifans) stands nearby. He asks to have supper that evening at the Red Keep with all his family. Viserys wants them all to dine together.

Viserys groans in pain as his body is moved around by the maesters. Ser Otto orders more milk of the poppy be brought to the King, but Viserys refuses to drink it. Instead, he orders Ser Otto to arrange the supper.

Later, Ser Otto addresses an assembly and claims to speak for King Viserys in determining who inherits Driftmark. He sits on the Iron Throne and listens to the petition by Ser Vaemond who insists he’s spent his entire life defending his brother’s seat. He has unimpeachable blood running through his veins.

Rhaenyra interrupts, insisting her sons also have Velaryon blood.

Vaemond claims this is about the future of his House, not Rhaenyra’s. He places his bloodline above all else, and he is the rightful Lord of Driftmark and Lord of the Tides.

Rhaenyra petitions for Lucerys to claim the Driftwood Throne. She’s just beginning her speech when King Viserys walks in, wearing his crown and using a cane as he ever-so-slowly makes his way to the quickly vacated Iron Throne.

Vaemond, Alicent, and Otto look shocked as Viserys walks the length of the hall, half of his face hidden behind a golden mask. He makes eye contact with Alicent and then Rhaenyra, holding Rhaenyra’s gaze much longer.

“I will sit the throne today,” he says to Ser Otto as he attempts to walk up the stairs. He finally allows Daemon to assist him and makes it all the way to the throne. Daemon replaces the crown on King Viserys’ head which fell off on the steps.

Out of breath, King Viserys admits he’s confused as to why petitions are being heard over a settled succession. Only Princess Rhaenys might have insight into Lord Corlys’ wishes, and she says Lord Corlys’ will was for Driftmark to pass through Ser Laenor to Laenor’s trueborn son, Lucerys.

“His mind never changed, nor did my support of him,” says Rhaenys.

She adds that Rhaenyra suggested her sons will marry Laena’s daughters, and she wholeheartedly agrees with that. King Viserys declares Lucerys is the heir to Driftmark.

Vaemond won’t allow it and King Viserys reminds him who he’s speaking to. Enraged, Vaemond insists that Lucerys is not a Velaryon while King Viserys is equally adamant that Lucerys is his trueborn grandson, calling Vaemond no more than the second son of Driftmark.

“You may run your House as you sit fit but you will not decide the future of mine!” says Vaemond. He will not see his House ended by seating a bastard on Driftmark’s throne. “And, she is a whore,” he adds, meaning Rhaenyra.

King Viserys stands and pulls out his dagger, declaring he’ll have Vaemond’s tongue. He doesn’t get the opportunity to strike as Daemon removes Vaemond’s head with one strike of his sword, Dark Sister. He slices Vaemond’s head in half through the mouth.

“He can keep his tongue,” says Daemon.

This has all been too much for King Viserys, yet he continues to refuse milk of the poppy. He believes he needs to put things right.

The family gather for dinner, with Alicent seated on one side of King Viserys and Rhaenyra on the other. Viserys is brought in in a chair, unable to walk. He says it’s good to see them all together as a family, and Alicent says a prayer before they begin – a prayer asking for the family to be healed.

King Viserys is genuinely happy Jace and Luke are marrying Baela and Rhaena, and the boys smile as do Laena’s twin daughters. It will cement the bond between the Houses and King Viserys leads the toast. He also toasts to Prince Lucerys, the future Lord of the Tides.

Prince Aegon quietly teases Prince Jace about not knowing where to place his penis.

King Viserys removes his mask after saying how pleased he is to see everyone. His eye is missing and there’s an ugly, gaping hole where it – and his cheek – used to be. He wants them to see him as he is – a father, a brother, a husband, and a grandsire. Viserys knows he won’t live much longer and hopes they can rid their hearts of their anger and grievances, for the sake of the crown and for him – an old man who loves them dearly.

The table remains silent as he returns to his chair. After he’s seated, Rhaenyra raises her cup to Alicent.

“I love my father, but I must admit that no one has stood more loyally by his side than his good wife,” says Rhaenyra. She praises Alicent’s tender care of Viserys, and she has both her gratitude and her apology.

Alicent is moved by Rhaenyra’s words. “We’re both mothers and we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes allow,” replies Alicent. “I raise my cup to you and to your House. You will make a fine queen.”

Everyone drinks to that and Viserys smiles while Ser Otto looks like someone just killed all his political hopes.

House of the Dragon Episode 8
Ewan Mitchell in ‘House of the Dragon’ season 1 episode 8 (Photograph by Ollie Upton / HBO)

Aegon taunts Jace again, and Jace momentarily loses his temper. Jace gathers himself and he and Prince Aemond are standing as he toasts Aegon and Aemond, recalling fond memories of their shared youth. He hopes as men they are friends and allies.

Aegon curtly replies, “To you as well.”

Princess Halaena toasts Baela and Rhaena, saying that it’s not bad because they’ll be ignored except when he’s drunk. (She’s referencing her experience with her own brother-husband.)

Jace and Halaena dance and laugh, as everyone around the table lets their guards down just for the night. Viserys takes it all in, hearing the gentle conversation and looking at the happy faces.

His health forces an early exit from dinner, and he’s carried from the table by his guards.

A roasted pig is brought in and Luke laughs to himself, recalling the pig they gave Aemond. Prince Aemond pounds the table and makes the final toast to his nephews, calling them handsome, wise, and strong. He emphasizes “strong” as an insult, and says strong multiple times. Jace hits Aemond and Aegon attacks Luke before the fight’s broken up.

Alicent’s angry with Aemond who claims he was just expressing how proud he is of his family. (I swear Aemond looks to be about 30 years old.)

Prince Daemon steps in as the fight’s about to begin again, and Rhaenyra sends the boys off to their quarters. (Alicent’s boys have grown up to be spoiled jerks.)

Alicent sounds genuine when she says she doesn’t want Rhaenyra to leave. Rhaenyra promises to return on her dragon after seeing the children home. “The King and I would both like that,” replies Alicent.

King Viserys is groaning in bed when Alicent gives him milk of the poppy. She gently wipes his disfigured face and comforts him. He apologizes, believing he’s speaking to Rhaenyra. He speaks of Aegon’s dream and the Song of Ice and Fire, and says it’s true what he saw in the North about the Prince That Was Promised.

Alicent misunderstands and thinks Viserys is saying her son, Prince Aegon, is the one who is meant to unite the realm against the dark. (He’s talking about Aegon the Conqueror’s prophecy, but Alicent has no way of knowing that.)

Viserys says, “It is you. You are the one. You must do this.”

He has no idea it’s Alicent he’s speaking to. He falls asleep without ever realizing he’s given Alicent a reason to believe Prince Aegon is meant to sit the Iron Throne.

Alicent leaves and King Viserys draws his last breath. His final words are, “No more. My love.”

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