Paramount Network’s Yellowstone season five episode 12 featured an unexpected death (hope you had tissues close by) and Kayce realizing he knows exactly what path to walk. It’s a short episode but packed with intense scenes that all take place following John Dutton’s murder.
Episode 12 begins with Teeter (Jen Landon) and Colby (Denim Richards) on the phone, and Colby inadvertently admits he’s in love. Teeter wonders what’s going on with the ranch, and Colby suggests that if she has any big plans, she should start working on them. Before hanging up, Teeter says, “I love you, too.”
There’s also a conversation about the ranch’s future taking place between Lloyd (Forrie J. Smith) and Carter (Finn Little). Lloyd will stay on if Rip or Kayce are in charge, but not if a rich dude buys the place.
Rip (Cole Hauser) informs Lloyd and Ethan that he wants to sell off the heifers and bulls still on the river bottom. Rip’s also going to sell the entire herd in Texas. Plus, they’ll sell any geldings over six years old.
“We’re going to have a dispersal sale here in the next week if we can get our s**t together in time,” says Rip. Lloyd asks if they’re going out of business, and Rip assures him they’re trying to save the business but need money to pay the government. Giving the government land is a last resort.
The action shifts to Texas, and Jimmy (Jefferson White) nearly gets bucked off a horse because he’s using the wrong bit. A gator snaffle is for monsters; using one on this horse is total overkill. Boss Travis Wheatley (Taylor Sheridan) wonders if Jimmy wakes up and just thinks of ways to get bucked off. He thinks Jimmy’s mind is on the brunette he left behind. Being distracted will get him injured or killed.
Jimmy’s let off the hook when Travis takes Rip’s call. It’s obvious from how Travis answers he hasn’t heard about John. Rip asks Travis to sell all of Yellowstone’s horses to free up cash, and Travis warns him not to rush into it. If Travis can’t do it, then Rip wants the horses in Montana to sell. Travis reminds him that will bring about .30 cents on the dollar in Montana. Travis talks Rip into being a little patient.
Jimmy doesn’t know about John, and Rip doesn’t have the heart to tell him. Travis assures Rip he’ll take care of it.
Jimmy thinks he’s being fired, but the news is much worse. Travis gently breaks the news by first telling Jimmy he’s giving him a week off. When he says John passed away (Rip didn’t give him any details), Jimmy struggles to speak. He tells Travis he’ll take the weekend off, but not the week.
“He was a cowboy. He wouldn’t have wanted work missed because of him,” says Jimmy.
Back in Montana, Detective Dillard (Rory Cochrane) questions Jamie (Wes Bentley) about his relationship with Sarah, and Jamie tells him it was strictly personal. Sarah was staying with him and wasn’t in Montana conducting business. Jamie becomes nervous when Dillard asks to collect Sarah’s suitcase and personal items. If it was a carjacking, why do the police need her belongings?
Detective Dillard informs him there’s no evidence this was a carjacking. “It appears more like she was targeted,” says Dillard.
Jamie acts guilty, insisting they need a warrant to search his home and reminding Dillard he’s the attorney general. When Jamie confesses he feels like Dillard’s treating him like a suspect, Dillard replies, “No, I wasn’t, but I will now.”
Jamie backs down, realizing he’s painted a target on his back. He offers to go upstairs and get Sarah’s belongings, but Dillard says it’s too late. He’ll get a warrant. Of course, a warrant comes with plenty of press attention.
Once Dillard leaves, Jamie rushes upstairs and grabs Sarah’s paperwork. He shreds anything that can be used against him.
Back at the ranch, Beth (Kelly Reilly) thanks Monica (Kelsey Asbille) for making breakfast. Beth says she’ll never eat in the family dining room again and settles at the kitchen table while Tate fetches his dad. Kayce (Luke Grimes) takes a call from Dillard first and learns Jamie’s refusing to cooperate in the investigation into Sarah’s murder. Dillard’s sure she was targeted, and Kayce admits he’s not surprised.
“Is the file in my left hand connected to the file in my right hand, Kayce?” asks Dillard. Kayce’s not sure his brother had anything to do with John or Sarah’s death, but he’s sure Sarah was involved in John’s murder. Kayce informs Dillard that Sarah was the Market Equities airport project lawyer. Dillard connects the dots. The attorney general was sleeping with the council for the development project that John shutdown.
Dillard offers to slow down his investigation since the Duttons have been through so much recently. Kayce replies, “You mash on the gas, my friend.” After all, Jamie put himself in this position.
Kayce uses the secure line to call his friend Cade (Jake McLaughlin). Cade’s been looking for someone who could have handled the hit on John and learned Grant Horton from “special activities” is in Kayce’s area. He’s sending Kayce the address, and Kayce confirms he’ll pay him a visit. He also confirms he’ll destroy this phone and change his number.

Kayce asks Beth to step away from breakfast and shows her the article on Sarah’s murder. He knows Sarah was the point of contact, and Dillard’s circling Jamie. Beth is certain that if Jamie’s arrested, he’ll tell all the Dutton family secrets and destroy John’s legacy. Kayce doesn’t think they can’t do anything about that since everyone’s watching them now.
“The best lies are 90% true, and I’m the best f**king liar. You leave Jamie to me,” says Beth.
The Yellowstone cowboys in Texas get busy loading up the cattle. Teeter can’t believe they’re doing this now, right after they moved them to Texas.
Rip’s out with Lloyd and Colby when he gets a call about the 3-year-old “maneater” Lloyd has repeatedly insisted is untrainable. He instructs Colby to get the horse loaded up and taken to Billings. It’s headed to Mexico.
Carter’s working in the barn and notices the maneater’s knocked over his water. He makes the mistake of entering his stall with a fresh bucket. The horse reacts by charging him. Carter’s injured and backed into a corner with the horse stamping his feet when Colby arrives. Colby decides to push the horse back so Carter can crawl out. Tragically, they’ve both underestimated the horse. Carter escapes, but the horse kicks Colby in the chest. He stomps on Colby again as Carter runs to get a rifle.
The shot rings out, and Rip and Lloyd race to the barn. Carter takes the blame as Rip kneels by Colby’s dead body. Rip assures Carter it’s not his fault. Rip shoulders the blame instead. (Lloyd told him multiple times the horse was a maneater and should have been put down.)
Rip immediately calls Ryan (Ian Bohen) in Texas and tells him what happened. Jake (Jake Ream) rides up and asks if Ryan’s okay. Ryan responds, “I just lost my best friend.”

The camera catches the next scene from a distance as Ryan rides over to Teeter and breaks the horrible news that Colby is gone. We don’t need to hear their conversation. Teeter begins sobbing. Minutes later, Walker offers to help her unsaddle her horse. Teeter refuses.
Once the horses are loaded, Walker, Ryan, Teeter, and Jake hit the road back to Montana. Ryan explains what happened to Colby and that it was quick. Ryan says he didn’t suffer, and Teeter reminds them that, as cowboys, suffering is the job. “I just wish he would have suffered a little longer so I could say goodbye,” says a heartbroken Teeter.
Back at the ranch, Ethan asks if everything’s okay. Rip believes nothing’s okay. He asks for Ethan’s help moving Colby from the barn and into the truck. Carter remains behind and watches them drive away.
Kayce and Tate walk through the family cemetery, and Kayce confirms they’ll bury John next to his wife. Tate asks Kayce if that’s where he wants to be buried, and Kayce says that will be up to Tate to decide. Tate knows the future’s up in the air and doesn’t know where home is. He wonders if the Yellowstone will be their home then, and Kayce says it won’t be. “Here’s not our home, not anymore,” says Kayce.
Kayce receives a call from Mo Brings Plenty and tells him he sees what to do now. He needs Mo’s help, but it comes at a risk. Mo assures Kayce he’ll help.
Lloyd shows Beth Colby’s bunk so she can pack it up. She spoke with Colby’s mom and she wants her son’s things. Beth sees Colby’s hat is on his pillow. That’s normally bad luck, but Lloyd says it’s the right spot after a cowboy dies. Lloyd asks Beth to leave the hat for Teeter since she’ll need something of Colby’s to cling to. He offers to mail the footlocker in the morning, and Beth agrees.
Beth finds Carter in the tack room and confesses that’s where she fell in love and got pregnant. “And then I told the love of my life that I never wanted to see him again,” says Beth. She did it because she was ashamed and scared.
Beth doesn’t believe anyone is to blame for Colby’s death. Colby chose to help Carter, and she’s glad he did. Carter can’t squander Colby’s sacrifice; that would be his fault.
Beth believes Carter should be with his family right now, and Carter says he doesn’t have one. She replies, “Sure you do.”
Beth finds Rip sitting on the couch alone and pours him a drink. It’s too hot for a fire, but she lights one anyway, so there will be a big fireball when he throws his glass. He throws it, and she pours him another one. She takes a seat next to him and admits that the family’s pretty f**ked when she’s the one in the position of therapist. She asks what he needs, and Rip says all he ever needs is time and her.
Kayce packs up but won’t give Monica any specifics about what he has planned. All he says is that it’s not for the ranch – it’s for her and Tate. He swears he’ll be back tomorrow night. “I can see it now. I know what to do. Believe in me,” he says after they kiss. Monica says she’s always believed in him.
Monica’s cooking breakfast again when Beth joins her. Given recent events, Beth isn’t sure “good morning” is appropriate. She wants to chat with Kayce, and Monica explains he left last night.
Grant Horton (Matt Gerald) and his young daughter get into their car after his daughter’s soccer game. Kayce slides into the car and sits next to the daughter in the back seat, gun drawn. He orders Grant to drive straight at the speed limit. When the daughter sobs in fear, he tells her she should be scared. Kayce asks if she knows what her dad does for a living, and then asks Grant if he knows who he is. Grant doesn’t. Kayce can’t believe Grant would forget to build out the family on a target and reminds him that’s not how they were trained.
Kayce says, “I am what you are. Do you understand?” Grant does. Kayce’s okay that Grant took out Sarah; it saved him the trouble. Kayce believes Grant should die for what he did to John, but instead he wants to trade Grant’s family for his own. Kayce reminds Grant how easily he got to him and that he has many friends from 12 years on the teams.
“You don’t want this fight. You can’t win it,” warns Kayce. He adds that he has Grant’s DOD file and knows where everyone in his family lives and where his wife works. Grant claims they’re good, but Kayce assures him they’re far from good and tosses out Grant’s home address. Kayce suggests that Grant leave town since it’s possible he might change his mind and take him out.
He slams Grant in the head with the butt of his gun and calls it “Counting Coup” – the episode’s title. It means he took a piece of Grant’s soul that he’ll keep. Kayce tells the kid to keep crying and tells Grant to have fun explaining it to his wife.
Kayce exits the vehicle, and Grant speeds away. Mo follows behind, picks Kayce up, and confirms that he counted coup.
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