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‘Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies’ Episode 7 Recap: “Cruisin’ for a Bruisin'”

Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies Episode 7 Recap
Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies Episode 7 Recap
Jason Schmidt as Buddy in ‘Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies’ episode 7 (Photo Credit: Eduardo Araquel / Paramount+)

Paramount+’s Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies episode seven opens with Richie (Johnathan Nieves) striding through Frosty Palace, bruised face shocking Rydell students celebrating the play. He stops within inches of Buddy (Jason Schmidt) and it seems like we’re about to witness a fistfight. But, no. Instead, we’re treated to a flashback to yesterday – the day before the play.

The flashback kicks off with Shy Guy (Maximo Salas) working out at a gym, pummeling punching bags, before sliding away from that scene to show Gil (Nicholas McDonough) serving up sandwiches at a deli counter. Gil turns his mom down when she suggests he take a few dollars for himself. He’s a good son and wants to help her out. Aww, how sweet!

Did we know Gil is Betty’s older brother? I don’t think so, but it turns out he is, and they’ve got the typical sibling relationship.

Meanwhile, Pedrito aka Potato (Alexis Sides) makes breakfast for his little brother and sister. He carefully places the want ads near his snoring dad and hands sack lunches to his siblings. Can we get another aww, please? Thanks.

Over at Olivia’s, she’s not in the least bit gentle when she wakes Richie who’s apparently sleeping off a night of drinking.

The T-Birds make it to school and Richie brags about going out with lovely ladies from St. Bernadette’s. He spots Jane and makes a snap decision. They’ll ditch school and head to Volcano Island. (We can thank Potato for informing us it’s a casino in the desert.)

Shy Guy’s busy with play rehearsals and training, but Richie guilts him into taking off for a day of thrills, chills, and dollar bills. Oh, and girls.

Asst Principal McGee announces Buddy’s the winner and Susan insists they did a recount and discovered he beat Jane. Buddy can’t believe it and realizes that the gym class is abuzz with support for Jane – not him. They believe it’s just the same old status quo with Buddy as president of the student council.

The T-Birds have made it halfway to the casino and start teasing Richie about the end of his relationship with Jane. He claims he ended it and is ready to hook up at the casino.

They haven’t really thought through the plan of how to actually enter the casino, given that they’re underage. But they quickly become sidetracked when Richie lights up a joint.

Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies Episode 7 Recap
Nicholas McDonough as Gil, Maximo Salas as Shy Guy, Johnathan Nieves as Richie Valdovinos and Alexis Sides as Potato in ‘Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies’ episode 7 (Photo Credit: Eduardo Araquel / Paramount+)

The first song of the episode arrives as they enter the casino (without IDs) and sing about high rolling and being served by pretty ladies. (Honestly, this is my least favorite number of the season.)

While they’re singing, Gil’s car gets towed and it’ll cost $20 to get it out. They don’t have it, and decide to gamble Gil’s tip money, hoping they’ll win.

The guys have a run of luck and their winnings pile up. They’ve won $35 between them – enough to get Gil’s car and go home. A girl’s checking out Gil while they’re talking but he’s not interested. Gil admits he only has eyes for Olivia, which grosses Richie out.

Potato’s shocked to discover it’s midnight and everyone but Richie’s anxious to get home. Gil knows he can’t convince Richie to leave; Richie will have to get whatever this is out of his system.

A quick check in on Jane (Marisa Davila) and Buddy finds Buddy thanking Jane for suggesting they host the dance at the gym instead of the country club. He totally agrees with that choice. He promises to talk to the PTA about hiring DJ Johnny Vavoom (again, Jane’s suggestion), reminding her they’re in this together.

They’re about to kiss when Buddy’s dad barges in and gives his son a hug for winning. Jane takes off and Buddy convinces his dad to tell the club they’re using the gym this year.

Buddy then heads over to the radio station and asks Johnny Vavoom if he’s interested in handling Rydell’s dance. The DJ’s aware parents hate him and isn’t sure why he’d risk their wrath for a school dance. Buddy confesses he’s not into rock and roll and explains he’s doing this to get his girl back. Johnny can relate to that; that’s what rock and roll is all about. However, he still won’t DJ the dance.

As Buddy leaves, DJ Johnny Vavoom spins a record from a young up-and-comer out of Memphis – Elvis Presley.

Buddy returns home, disappointed, and his drunk dad reveals Jane won the election. He claims he did what was best for the school by cheating, and Buddy’s upset he didn’t win fair and square. Buddy’s dad also reveals he’s the one who convinced the football coach to make Buddy the quarterback.

Back at the casino, Richie’s drunk and being rude – and crude – to the waitresses. He grabs the bucket of money and places a $5 bet, but then is shamed into betting their entire stash by a guy who could have been a T-Bird 20 years ago. (Earlier, Gil had pointed out an older foursome that look like the T-Birds aged up.)

Richie bets on black and loses everything.

Richie’s out of his mind when he calls out their older versions, suggesting a rumble in the garage. He shows what a slimeball he can be by pushing Shy Guy out to do the fighting in his place. Shy Guy refuses to fight. Potato has a $1 bill that’s a sentimental keepsake from his dad’s time fighting the war, and Richie grabs – as if it means nothing – and flashes it at the older foursome.

Gil’s had enough of Richie and punches him in the face. (Richie’s extremely unlikeable thus far into the episode.)

Richie gets his second musical number and begs the T-Birds to hit him. Potato obliges and gets his dad’s $1 bill back.

Richie punctuates his song by falling over a short wall in the parking garage, landing on top of a car. He’s not hurt, physically, but mentally he’s given up on trying, convinced he doesn’t have a future.

The fight’s over and the talk turns serious. Shy Guy confesses he’s only fighting to make his dad happy and doesn’t want to do it anymore. Potato confesses his dad came back with PTSD (he doesn’t mention that specific diagnosis), and Gil says he’s been the man of the house since he was eight. He’s exhausted.

Richie cries and says he’s in love, but he screwed it up.

They’re all emotional and Gil blames it on the nearby kitchen exhaust. “They’re probably cutting onions in there,” says Gil.

They come together for a brief group hug before breaking apart like it was no big deal. They’re flat broke with no way home and suddenly Potato decides he wants to bet his dad’s lucky dollar.

They return to the casino and Potato makes a bet with one of the older guys. Potato bets $1 that he can make the guy giggle by tickling his left nipple. He loses, but it doesn’t matter. While that bet was going on, Richie and the guys bet another member of the foursome that Potato could tickle that nipple. They won $20, enough to free their car…or so they think.

Unfortunately, it’s now day two and they owe $25 instead of $20. Richie tries telling the truth; they just want to go home, and he can’t let them down again. Honesty doesn’t work and the tow yard guy’s a jerk. Shy Guy resorts to punching him in the face while Potato grabs their $20 and the keys.

Back at school, Buddy’s on the verge of confessing to Jane that he didn’t win but can’t quite bring himself to do it. Instead, he calls her a great #2. Jane wishes him luck with the play.

Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies Episode 7 Recap
Jason Schmidt as Buddy in ‘Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies’ episode 7 (Photo Credit: Eduardo Araquel / Paramount+)

Fast-forward to the performance and Buddy’s distracted and stumbles over a few lines before collecting himself. He breaks out in song, confused as to whether he’s making decisions for himself or only following orders. Is he just a product of pulling strings, doing as expected, and faking his way through life?

“I thought I was a winner, but it turns out I’m a joke,” he sings.

He vows to expose his flaws and come clean and change as he takes Hazel’s hands on stage. They kiss, and Buddy’s song continues. He’s going to make meaningful connections, stand on his own, and cut all the strings.

The play’s going on, but the T-Birds are still 10 miles out. Richie helps Shy Guy rehearse his lines and also thanks Gil for always driving. He even gives his approval for Gil to ask out Olivia which nearly causes Gil to wreck the car.

Mr. Vaughan’s seconds away from subbing in for Shy Guy when he arrives on stage, out of breath but in costume. He delivers his line and the T-Birds cheer.

The play ends and Hazel remains on stage as Buddy exits, stage left. His dad catches up to him backstage and tries to convince him not to tell Jane the truth. However, Buddy puts his foot down, determined to tell Jane she’s the real winner.

And now we finally catch up to the beginning of the episode. Buddy’s looking for Jane at the Frosty Palace when Richie confronts him. Richie’s searching for Jane too, but neither knows where she is.

Dot grabs everyone’s attention as DJ Johnny Vavoom has a message for Rydell High. He announces he’ll be DJing the class dance, and credits Buddy with making him decide to take on the gig.

Applause breaks out for Buddy as he rushes off to find Jane.

Richie and Buddy show up at Jane’s door at the same time. Richie goes first, apologizing for Halloween and admitting he was jealous. Buddy steps away to give Richie room, and Richie confesses Jane makes him feel things he hasn’t felt in a long time – things that scare him.

“But, Jane, I’d rather feel everything with you than nothing with someone else,” says Richie.

He asks her to the dance but then graciously steps aside to let Buddy deliver his speech before she answers. Buddy tries again to tell her the truth about the election but instead just says that Johnny Vavoom agreed to DJ.

Richie rejoins the conversation and says now she has two offers to consider. But, they’ll give her time to decide.

Frenchy and Betty are eavesdropping and Betty bets on Buddy while Frenchy goes for Richie and his dreamboat smile.

The episode ends with Buddy grabbing a bottle and drowning his worries in alcohol. Richie, on the other hand, looks at the bottles in his room and throws them all away.

Buddy looks miserable while Richie has a huge, satisfied smile.

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