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‘Mayor of Kingstown’ Season 2 Episode 9 Recap: “Peace in the Valley”

Mayor of Kingstown Season 2 Episode 9 Recap
Mayor of Kingstown Season 2 Episode 9 Recap
Jeremy Renner and Aidan Gillen in ‘Mayor of Kingstown’ season 2 episode 9 (Photo Cr: Dennis P. Mong Jr. / Paramount + © 2022 Viacom International Inc)

Paramount+’s Mayor of Kingstown season two episode nine opens with Milo and Mike having a sit-down. Milo (Aidan Gillen) wants his bonds, worth $14 million, back in exchange for Iris. Mike (Jeremy Renner) agrees and gets Milo to commit to leaving Kingstown. Milo warns that if Mike goes back on their deal, he’ll make sure he suffers before he dies.

Bunny (Tobi Bamtefa) visits a gun shop right before it officially opens and pretends to be interested in purchasing a Sig. He makes a call, telling the shop owner he needs to check with his wife before buying it. But that’s also just an act. The call is a signal for his gang to crash a van into the store. Crips pour out of the vehicle and steal dozens of guns, including the Sig that Bunny was pretending to be ready to buy.

Bunny smashes the surveillance cameras and destroys the security system before exiting the store.

Mike finally wanders into work and Kyle (Taylor Handley) is relieved and gives his bro a hug. Mike doesn’t explain what he was doing but does reveal he made a deal with Milo. Kyle confesses he saw Iris at the club, and Mike’s pissed Kyle was at the club in the first place.

Kyle doesn’t seem happy Mike’s willing to exchange the bonds for Iris, but Mike wants Milo out of their lives forever. Kyle wonders what Iris really means to Mike, and Mike explains he’s not even sure. He just wants her away from Milo – and away from this town.

Kyle agrees they should make the exchange. He also orders his brother to call their mom, so she’ll stop worrying. Kyle admits he was afraid something had happened and even had Bunny make sure no one inside put a hit out on him.

Mike’s shocked to learn Bunny’s been released.

Mike heads out and calls his mom while driving. She’s glad he’s back, and he promises to check on the boy she wanted him to help, Jacob Reed.

Mike’s next call is to Captain Kareem Moore (Michael Beach) who assumes Mike’s calling to gloat about getting Bunny out. Moore says the order came from the DA’s office, so he assumed Mike was responsible. Only the Bloods and AB bosses are still incarcerated.

Mike asks Kareem to do what he can to keep Jacob Reed away from the AB. They’ve been pressuring Jacob. Although Moore and Mike don’t have the “do me a favor” sort of relationship now, Moore promises to do what he can since it’s Mike’s mom asking.

Ian (Hugh Dillon) calls Mike and tells him to head to the gun shop ASAP.

Mike hurries over and, after telling Ian he was taking a “Me Day,” Ian shares the gun shop owner’s description of the robber and even Mike agrees it was Bunny. Ian warns Mike that it doesn’t matter if Bunny is his guy; they will grind him into the street over this. Ian knows this means Bunny is gearing up for war and wants to pick him up now, but Mike thinks with the Robert thing and the DA stuff going on, this can wait.

Ian explains the Robert thing went away – yet another thing Mike missed during his day-long walkabout. Ian pretends not to know why and suggests maybe it was part of whatever deal Mike struck with the DA’s office.

Given what he’s just learned, Mike’s next visit is with Interim DA Evelyn Foley (Necar Zadegan). He thanks her for Robert and Bunny, and she’s shocked he assumed she had anything to do with either issue. Turns out it was all Wendy at Warwick’s doing. Evelyn insists she’d never agree to let Bunny out after he ordered the hit on DA Lockett.

Evelyn warns that if she’s elected DA, she will make it her mission to stop Mike and his buddies from driving Kingstown into the ground. She also informs him his SWAT buddy was most likely responsible for killing Ben Morrissey, the one guy who was willing to stand up and speak out against Robert’s brutality.

“The inmates are running the asylum, Mike, and you’re the one giving them the goddamn key,” says Evelyn.

Mayor of Kingstown Season 2 Episode 9 Recap
Jeremy Renner and Tobi Bamtefa in ‘Mayor of Kingstown season 2 episode 9 (Photo Cr: Dennis P. Mong Jr. / Paramount + © 2022 Viacom International Inc)

One lesson Bunny learned in jail is how useful drones can be. He’s using one as Mike arrives at the phone store, Bunny’s new headquarters. Bunny admits he pulled off the gun shop robbery and says his time back behind bars opened his eyes. Although he and Mike are square, there’s still a toll to be paid for those who died in the riots.

Bunny is targeting Robert, saying he’d love that trophy on his mantle. Mike warns him that if he goes after Robert, the cops will scorch this neighborhood. Bunny says that will happen anyway, and he’s no longer asking for Mike’s permission or blessing.

“Bunny, if you want to f*cking reach for that, you’re starting a fight that you do not want. I promise you,” warns Mike.

Meanwhile, the kid Miriam’s worried about – Jacob – is on a work detail in prison and being hassled. He can’t take it and realizes it’s only going to get worse. He makes the drastic decision to throw himself under a truck’s tires. His head is crushed.

Kyle’s wife, Tracy (Nishi Munshi), also makes a possibly life-altering decision. She’s done with Kyle putting their marriage behind his family and announces she’s taking off to stay with her dad for a while. She invites him to come, but of course Kyle doesn’t want to leave Kingstown.

Kyle informs Mike that Carney called with the news that Jacob killed himself.

Miriam’s cooking shrimp when Mike arrives home and delivers the news that Jacob’s dead. Miriam recalls he had a baby boy, even though he was barely more than a boy himself.

Mike heads over to his office, even though it’s past business hours, and is about to lay down and get some sleep when Iris (Emma Laird) calls. She claims to be fine and wants to see him. But the real reason for her call is to deliver instructions for the exchange. It’s set for tomorrow at midnight at a park.

Mayor of Kingstown Season 2 Episode 9 Recap
Derek Webster as Stevie, Hugh Dillon as Ian and Jeremy Renner as Mike McLusky in ‘Mayor of Kingstown’ season 2 episode 9 (Photo Cr: Dennis P. Mong Jr. / Paramount + © 2022 Viacom International Inc)

Morning arrives, and Mike’s first meeting is with Ian and Stevie (Derek Webster). They want Bunny to play ball by returning all the guns. Bunny’s just asking for war, and ATF will be after him if he doesn’t act fast. Robert joins the trio and Mike demands to know if he killed Morrissey. Robert denies it and is pissed that Mike would even suggest such a thing.

Mike gets a one-on-one with Bunny and says he needs all the guns back. ATF is on the way and Mike offers to deliver all the guns back to the shop to get Bunny out of this situation. Mike apologizes for trusting people he shouldn’t have and putting Bunny behind bars.

Bunny will only return the guns in exchange for Robert. Mike says he can’t have that, and Bunny sets him straight. He’s the king now – not Mike.

After the meeting, Mike leaves a message for Robert to call him back as soon as possible.

Iris drinks wine and waits in a hotel suite, unaware Joseph the Russian is on his way in. He buys three hours of her time with his own money and is going to use those hours to do whatever he wants to her.

Iris resists and he chokes her before tossing her across the room, wine glasses shattering all around her as she lands on the floor. He grabs a pillow and holds it over her mouth, but Iris is able to grab something and stabs him in the neck.

He’s clutching his neck when she sits on top of him and continues stabbing him. Iris is soaked in blood and Joseph the Russian is most definitely dead, which you’ve got to assume isn’t what he had in mind when he bought three hours.

Mike spends the day trying to track down Robert, finally arriving at the bar where Kyle, Ian, and Stevie are drinking and playing pool. They think Robert’s either at the gym or his kid’s recital. Mike doesn’t explain why but orders them to head out and look for Robert. They also need to call Robert’s wife and make sure that she stays inside.

Robert (Hamish Allan-Headley) is heading to his truck when he finally answers Mike’s call. As they’re talking, a motorcyclist drives by and breaks Robert’s side-view mirror. Mike informs Robert he has a target on him just as more motorcycles come toward him down the street.

Robert’s able to tell Mike his location as they roar up. “Send an ambulance or a f*cking hearse,” says Robert before firing a few shots.

Mike says he’s sending the PD as Bunny’s guys pepper spray Robert, get off their bikes, and begin brutally beating him.

The motorcycles are driving away as Mike pulls up to Robert’s location. Robert lies motionless in the middle of the road, and Mike tries to rouse him. His face is nearly unrecognizable as the episode ends without confirming whether he’s still breathing.

We’re down to one final episode of season two, and there are still a lot of threads left dangling.

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