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‘Mayor of Kingstown’ Season 2 Episode 3 Recap – “Five at Five”

Mayor of Kingstown Season 2 Episode 3
Mayor of Kingstown Season 2 Episode 3
Derek Webster, Hugh Dillon, and Jeremy Renner in ‘Mayor of Kingstown’ season 2 episode 3 (Photo Cr: Dennis P. Mong Jr. / Paramount + © 2022 Viacom International Inc)

Season two episode three of Paramount+’s Mayor of Kingstown is shorter than usual and seems like a filler episode. Bunny’s still in jail, Mike still hasn’t located Iris, and Kyle’s still in need of a good therapist by the time episode three wraps up.

“Five at Five” opens with Iris (Emma Laird) explaining she thought Milo (Aidan Gillen) died in the riot and didn’t know where to go. He demands to know if she slept with Mike, and Iris says she didn’t.

Elsewhere, Robert and his SWAT guys do a quick search of an apartment, making sure there aren’t any concealed weapons or drugs, and clearing the way for Ian (Hugh Dillon) to have a chat with the older woman who rents the place. She assumes they know who her grandson is.

She’s correct.

Mike (Jeremy Renner) is not having a good day. An FBI agent confronts him as he’s heading into the office, pissed that he let Iris run away. Mike warns the agent to do what he needs to do, but Milo will kill Iris if they try and force her to testify against him.

Iris is shoved to the backburner when Mike learns Ian and Stevie (Derek Webster) led a raid on the Commons. Ian and Stevie claim they got a tip about drugs, and Mike is absolutely furious. “Are you f**king kidding me? When is there not drug activity?” asks Mike, sarcastically.

Mike reminds them that Bunny took a hit for him after he negotiated a deal to get all the leaders inside. They can’t screw with Bunny’s crew while he’s locked up. Ian points out Bunny’s a drug dealer, and Mike fights back, again reminding them Bunny’s on the inside trying to help calm down the streets. If they hassle his family, the sh*t will hit the fan.

Ian and Mike get in each other’s faces, and Ian blames Mike for making his job more difficult. Mike leaves but not before he tells them to f**k off and warns them that he’s not their janitor.

Over at the temporary jail, Bunny (Tobi Bamtefa) remains certain they need to trust Mike at least for a while. If it doesn’t go the way they want it to shake out, then they’ll handle it their way.

Mike pays Bunny a visit, ordering him to get the leaders lined up. Mike’s working on getting everything in order on the outside, and Bunny confesses Mike’s word doesn’t mean much to him at this point. Mike asks what he needs and Bunny says, “Backs turned, 5:00 tomorrow.” Mike agrees.

Mike tells Carney (Lane Garrison), Captain Moore’s new second-in-command, what Bunny needs, and Carney says he’ll get it done.

Kyle (Taylor Handley) shows up at the Kingstown Police Department and gets a hug from Ian. Kyle’s been suspended without pay, so he quit.

Ian wants him back, but Kyle’s going to have to be patient. The State will have to declare it a righteous shoot before he can get back out on the street. Until then, Kyle has to keep calm and not make any waves.

Kyle’s desperate to come back, and Ian reminds him that at least he has something to live for with a wife and a kid on the way. He assures Kyle he’s got his back.

Kyle’s next stop is to talk with his brother. He needs to earn and he needs to stay busy or else he’ll lose it. Mike thinks he should work around their mom’s house, but that doesn’t interest Kyle. Mike’s next suggestion is for Kyle to check the train station and taxis for any sign of Iris. Kyle thinks his bro should just let the FBI worry about her. Anyway, she’s probably already back in New York.

But Mike’s really worried and that’s why he wants Kyle to help him search.

Obsessing over Iris, Mike checks in with Joseph the Russian (George Tchortov) to see if he’s heard from Milo. Joseph’s still loyal to Milo, and Mike assumes Joseph knows Iris’s location. Joseph calls her a whore and everyone knows what happens when someone talks to the Feds.

Mike beats the crap out of Joseph and then leaves, warning him that he’ll be back.

Later, Joseph supervises the placement of a new tracker under Iris’s skin. She has a new bed, closet, and safe, and will need to make $5000 a night…or else.

Mike calls Assistant DA Evelyn Foley (Necar Zadegan) and she assures him that she’s “working” her boss. Everything’s good as far as she knows. Mike made promises and needs release dates, and Evelyn warns him she’s not a paper to be pushed around. Also, she needs to see him in 30 minutes. She doesn’t say why other than that the world is changing.

It turns out Evelyn wants Mike to join her as they tour a prison along with Captain Moore (Michael Beach). Wendy, the woman giving the tour, explains that within five years all of the prisons in Kingstown will be under contract with the Warwick Group. She also claims that in their prisons, they have violence under control. Captain Moore points out that’s because they don’t offer education services, yard time, or cafeterias.

Evelyn informs Mike that Warwick’s doing the report on the riot and that this scenario is a likely outcome. Some of the inmates from tent city are heading to Anchor Bay, and the rest will be moved to Warwick Detention – the private prison they’re currently touring.

If there isn’t enough room there, they’ll move them to other facilities – even if that means moving them to other states.

One of Milo’s girls who Mike saw exiting Joseph’s place earlier with a baby approaches him and says she knows where Iris is. If Mike still wants to save Iris, she’ll leave a door open in the alley at the club.

Mike visits the club that night and snoops around. He’s knocked out, and when he comes to, he’s in a room with Joseph and a couple of his thugs. Mike wonders if the baby is Joseph’s and if Milo knows he’s screwing one of his whores.

Joseph reacts by hitting Mike with his gun and, of course, Mike’s able to disarm him. He leaves after warning Joseph to tell Milo he knows he’s out and he’s coming for him.

Mayor of Kingstown season 2 episode 3
Tobi Bamtefa as Deverin “Bunny” Washington in ‘Mayor of Kingstown’ season 2 episode 3 (Photo Cr: Dennis P. Mong Jr. / Paramount + © 2022 Viacom International Inc)

5:00pm arrives and the guards turn their backs. All hell breaks loose in the yard and the leader of the Bloods attacks Bunny, but Bunny manages to get the upper hand. The other gang leaders stand back and let Bunny settle matters.

Mike arrives later and Bunny confronts him about allowing the cops to hassle his family and not telling him what went down. If Mike doesn’t get him out of prison, there will be payback. Bunny warns he’s coming for Mike – not the guards or cops on the street. Mike says the order to hassle his family came from KPD, and Bunny points out that Mike no longer has control over his own people.

If Bunny’s not out in 48 hours, then he’ll come for Mike. Bunny almost died today and he’s done playing along with Mike’s plan. Mike owes him and he plans on collecting that debt.

Mike tells Carney to make sure nothing happens to Bunny. Whatever happens to Bunny will happen to Carney. If Bunny bleeds, Carney bleeds.

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