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‘La Brea’ Season 2 Episode 4 Recap: “The Fog”

La Brea Season 2 Episode 4
La Brea Season 2 Episode 4
Zyra Goreski as Izzy and Natalie Zea as Eve in ‘La Brea’ season 2 episode 4 (Photo by: Sarah Enticknap/NBC)

Season two episode three of NBC’s La Brea ended with Eve and Izzy’s emotional reunion. Episode four, “The Fog,” opens with Eve (Natalie Zea) still not over the fact her daughter stepped through a sinkhole. She watches Izzy (Zyra Gorecki) as she sleeps, which in most cases would sound creepy but, in this case, is just sweet.

Gavin (Eoin Macken) joins the happy reunion and Izzy notes it’s the first time she’s seen her parents smile at each other in a while. It’s much more dangerous in 10,000 BC than Gavin expected so his current plan is to get Josh back from the ‘80s and find a way home. But that means they need to find Aldridge first. She’s key to returning home.

Lucas (Josh McKenzie) and Veronica (Lily Santiago) continue to bond and they’re laughing over eggs when Scott (Rohan Mirchandaney) walks out of the woods. He claims he found a field of marijuana. Lucas points out he’s not limping, and Scott credits weed with being a miracle drug.

Lucas and Veronica know he’s lying but don’t know what he’s really up to.

Sam (Jon Seda) and Ty (Chike Okonkwo) are setting up look-out points when Gavin joins them and learns about Lucas and the gang sneaking in and grabbing food from Paara’s camp. Sam and Ty disagree about what Paara will do when she finds out, but that’s the least of their problems right now. Fog’s rolling in and soon it will be impossible to see anyone or anything…dun, dun duuuun!

Scott corners Gavin alone and delivers the message that Aldridge wants to see him. Only Gavin can come and only he can go into the building to get Josh and Riley back. Why? Scott doesn’t know. Oh, and he definitely can’t tell Eve anything about this secret mission.

Unfortunately, that last bit of info was delivered in earshot of Eve and she demands to go with Gavin. Not going to happen. She needs to watch over Izzy. (Scott really sucks at keeping secrets.)

Gavin makes a dramatic exit into the fog, promising to bring their son back.

No one’s happy to learn Gavin took off again, especially Sam. His daughter’s also gone, and he doesn’t like being out of the loop. Levi (Nicholas Gonzalez) is only able to convince him to stay by pointing out it’s hard to see through the fog. Anything could be out there.

Scott gets lost leading Gavin to Aldridge, and they’re forced to hunker down until animals pass by. That gives Gavin an opportunity to ask what’s in the building, and Scott explains there’s a room with a portal they call Lazarus that connects to the future. Aldridge was one of the scientists who built the building, and the portal allows them to control time travel.

Aldridge (Ming-Zhu Hii) finds them and let’s just say it’s not a happy reunion. She reveals they need to go back to the Exiles’ camp, hijack the new shipment of rocks (Lazarus’ fuel), and get into the building with it. The portal room’s on the top floor and Scott’s already managed to secure the key card.

Because it’s so dangerous she doesn’t want anyone to know what’s going on. Only Gavin can know because he has a role to play in this, and she confirms his parents are still alive. His parents were among the scientists who created Lazarus.

Paara and a few of her people bust in on their meeting in the middle of nowhere and it’s the first time Gavin’s seen Paara since he returned. She’s following some of her people who are heading to the clearing, hoping to stop them before they attack.

Gavin wants to go with her, but Aldridge reminds him only he can save Josh and Riley. Poor Gavin never catches a break!

Lucas heads out into the fog to prove there isn’t a giant marijuana field. Veronica tries to convince him to head back to camp when suddenly they hear voices. It’s Paara’s people and they’re preparing to launch an attack.

Lucas and Veronica rush back to the camp to warn Sam. Their only option is to fight back since there’s no place to hide. Unfortunately, they don’t really have any useful weapons.

Eve suggests a diversion is their best chance at getting out of this alive. They gather clothes and set up a massive fire, and Ty takes a break because he’s out of breath. He believes he still has a shot at convincing Paara not to attack but it’s not Paara he encounters in the woods. It’s Anthony – one of his patients. They’re happy to see each other and Anthony confirms he also fell through a sinkhole.

Anthony claims he was separated from a group of fellow La Brea sinkhole survivors and needs Ty’s help to locate them. Ty, being such a good guy, agrees.

Paara’s people launch their attack and it’s obvious they mean business. They stab the “people” seated by the fire. Fortunately, straw and stuffing don’t bleed. The attackers quickly find themselves encircled by pissed-off Sky People armed with an odd assortment of weapons.

Sam orders their attackers to drop their weapons and leave. They refuse. Paara and her much more friendly group, accompanied by Gavin, race up and confront the rebels. Paara reminds their leader, Joseph, that it’s her job to decide the punishment for stealing food. She’ll also decide the rebels’ punishment.

A pack of hungry wolves picks just that moment to enter the fray. Fighting them isn’t an option so everyone runs for cover. Gavin’s about to be attacked when Aldridge saves him. The wolf turns his attention to Aldridge. She’s injured but alive when Scott and Gavin get her into a car.

Eve and Izzy race toward the bus, but Eve stops to help out Joseph. Levi saves them both and they just barely make it to safety. Eve wants to go to the bus to check on Izzy, but Levi thinks she’s safe with Sam. Eve confesses Izzy told her she thinks the accident and the loss of her leg are what broke her and Gavin up. Izzy blames herself but never told anyone.

Levi thinks when things calm down Eve needs to tell Gavin and Izzy the truth. Eve agrees.

Meanwhile, Ty and Anthony hear the wolves and Ty convinces his former patient they have to return to camp.

After getting assurances Aldridge will live, Gavin leaves the safety of a car to help his family in the bus. Two wolves jump on top of the bus and start prying open a hole. Another wolf charges a window, trying to get to the tasty treats inside the bus.

Eve, Levi, and Scott also leave their safe hiding places and join Gavin who has come up with one of his better plans. Levi kept rocks from the Exiles and Gavin wants to use one as a fuel source. He runs to the bus and orders everyone to get down as Eve shoots an arrow with a rock tied to it into the fire.

The subsequent explosion scares the wolves into running away.

They regroup a little later and Paara asks if there’s anything she can do. She’s thankful Eve saved Joseph’s life and extends an invitation to Gavin to visit his old home.

Eve has a heart-to-heart with Izzy and admits she turned to Levi to get through the rough time with Gavin. She had an affair and that’s part of why her marriage collapsed. Eve loves her family but still loves Levi.

It sounds like she’s made her choice and Izzy’s sad they won’t be a family, even after they get Josh back. Eve assures her they’ll always be a family. She confesses she’s not sure when she’s going to tell Gavin the full truth.

Ty and Andrew get lost on the way back to the clearing and Ty’s in the middle of explaining he has a problem with always trying to help everyone when Paara finds him. He turns to introduce Anthony to Paara and discovers he’s gone. It turns out he was never really there. (But you already guessed that, right?) Paara says he was talking to himself when she walked up.

Ty realizes the hallucination means his condition’s getting worse. He chooses her over the clearing for the time he has left. Paara reveals she was married before and never thought she’d open her life up to another man until she met him. She promises to take care of him.

Aldridge’s condition takes a turn for the worse and she assures Scott and Gavin they can do this without her. Aldridge explains Gavin’s mom, Caroline, is in 1988 but she’s coming back “to set things right.”

Aldridge dies before she can provide any additional details.

Gavin tells Sam they’re still going to follow Aldridge’s plan: go the caves, hijack the fuel, and get their kids back.

La Brea Season 2 Episode 4
Jack Martin as Josh, Byron Coll as Franklin Marsh and Veronica St. Clair as Riley in ‘La Brea’ season 2 episode 4 (Photo by: NBC)

And Now We Slip Back Into the ‘80s

Franklin Marsh (Byron Coll) can’t get over the fact he’s attempting to jerry-rig a charger for a phone that’s also a camera and computer. (Josh should definitely tell him to buy stock in Apple.) Josh (Jack Martin) and Riley (Veronica St. Clair) know the photos in the phone from 10,000 BC are the only way to prove the sinkholes aren’t what they appear.

The charger works and Franklin’s stunned by the photos. He’s sure that if they can get his department head at Caltech on board, everyone else will follow. But there’s a catch, of course. Dr. Clark thinks he’s a nutcase and so Josh will have to talk to her first.

It’s not Josh but Riley who attempts to convince Dr. Clark a sinkhole is going to open in the ocean and cause a catastrophic tidal wave. Riley drops Franklin’s name and Dr. Clark isn’t interested in hearing anything more.

Riley persists and whips out Josh’s iPhone, showing Dr. Clark photos from 10,000 BC. Dr. Clark thinks the phone is a Hollywood prop and the photos were faked. She leaves but her assistant, Maddie, stays behind. She believes Riley.

Maddie takes Riley and Josh to a house where Dr. Clark’s waiting for them. Dr. Clark thinks they’ve been sent by someone named James to stop her work, but neither Riley nor Josh has any idea who she’s talking about. They give a very brief recap of how they landed in 1988 and when they mention Silas, Dr. Clark’s interest is piqued. She asks about the boy they were helping and it’s obvious she also knows Isaiah.

It turns out Isaiah is her son! Josh is meeting his grandmother for the very first time.

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