NBC’s La Brea season two episode two begins with Eve and Levi holding hands while stuck in a cage on the way to wherever their captors call home. They arrive at the camp and are forced to work as slaves alongside others who’ve also been abducted by this well-armed tribe.
Their leader tells Eve (Natalie Zea) and Levi (Nicholas Gonzalez) they need to dig for a specific black rock. Once found, they need to alert a guard and then keep digging.
Eve and Levi ask one of their fellow captives where he’s from. It turns out his name’s Virgil and he also fell through the La Brea Tar Pit sinkhole.
Virgil says their captors are brutal and force them to dig. He warns them to do as they’re told, or they’ll be killed.
Eve passes some of the time digging by experiencing flashbacks of her affair with Levi. They were together when she received the call that Izzy was in an accident. Eve was supposed to pick her up from school but was busy having sex and so her neighbor was driving when the accident occurred.
The flashback ends and Eve tells Levi they have to escape. She can’t die without seeing her kids again.
Eve and Levi get Virgil to agree to help them escape. Virgil knows they need a map to make it out through the tunnels, so the only other way out is through the main gate. They’ll need a distraction, or they’ll need all the other La Brea sinkholers to work together to overpower the guards.
Virgil’s caught not working and the guards ruthlessly attack him. Levi comes to his aid and is grabbed by the guards and hauled off.
He’s returned later, beat up but still breathing. Levi reminds Eve he promised he’ll never leave her.

Worlds Collide as the Newbies Show Up at Camp
Gavin (Eoin Macken), Ella (Michelle Vergara Moore), and Izzy (Zyra Gorecki) make it into camp and Gavin immediately freaks out Sam (Jon Seda) by explaining he used to be Isaiah. Sam notices Gavin’s scar on his hand and shouts to the group, announcing this newcomer is Eve’s husband/Isaiah grown up.
Gavin’s forced to immediately dampen their spirits when he apologetically reveals he’s not there to rescue them. In fact, he’s now stranded with them – which does the group absolutely no good.
Gavin’s life becomes even more complicated when he’s told Eve’s not in the camp and Josh isn’t even in 10,000 BC anymore. He’s now hanging out in the ‘80s.
Ella informs everyone she was Lilly as a child but now she’s also all grown up. Ty (Chiké Okonkwo) is overcome with emotion, and he and Ella embrace.
Lucas (Josh McKenzie) describes the group that snatched Eve and Levi, and Gavin remembers hearing stories about them as a child. The group – known as The Exiles – enslaved anyone who trespassed on their land. Gavin’s overloaded with new info, including that Aldridge – who Gavin knows – is missing, and his own grandfather, Silas, is being held under guard for questioning.
Silas (Mark Lee) instantly recognizes Gavin – even though he looks nothing like Isaiah – and welcomes him home. Silas offers to show him where The Exiles live; Gavin may have just fallen through a sinkhole but he didn’t just fall off the turnip truck. He knows his granddad’s just trying to escape.
Silas denies that’s his plan. He believes the only way to get Eve and Levi back alive is for just the two of them to go to The Exiles’ camp. Oh, and The Exiles are merciless, by the way.
Gavin argues with everyone, including Izzy, about his latest plan. No one wants him to go with just Silas on a rescue mission. Gavin manages to overcome all their arguments by saying please.
Izzy warns him to be careful.
As they walk, Silas points out key locations from Gavin’s past, including where he killed his first wild pig. Gavin’s not in a reminiscing mood and demands to know why he never told Eve how to bring Josh back – if he cared about his family as much as he professes to.
Silas claims he doesn’t know if bringing Josh back is possible. Gavin does not believe him.
Gavin gets pissed about all the secrets Silas is keeping and isn’t paying enough attention to his surroundings. He steps into a snare and is yanked off the ground. He drops his knife and Silas grabs it and runs off without rescuing his grandson.
A massive bear appears as Gavin’s just dangling there defenseless. Gavin tries to shush it into behaving. That. Does. Not. Work. Do not shhhhh a bear.
Silas reappears and stabs it from behind just as it’s about to make a meal of Gavin. He hands the knife back to Gavin who frees himself. Silas swears he would never just leave his grandson.
They have a heart-to-heart while heading toward The Exiles, with Gavin giving a CliffsNotes version of his life. He asks what happened to his parents and Silas offers a cryptic explanation. Gavin’s mom only wanted Gavin to know what he needed to to survive until she could see him again. So, she’s alive? Silas isn’t sure. Gavin’s dad could be alive, too, but if Gavin goes looking, he could die. Silas only said they’re dead to protect Gavin, and he intends to keep the promise he made to Gavin’s mom and dad.
They make it to The Exiles camp and Silas hands Gavin water that’s been drugged. Gavin passes out and Silas just leaves him there. Later, The Exiles find Gavin and carry him back to their camp.
He’s shackled and in rough shape when they deposit him in the caves. He has a brief flashback to immediately before he passed out. Silas stuffed a map in his pocket and told him it would get him out of the caves. The map’s still there.
Meanwhile back at camp, Ella introduces herself to Veronica (Lily Santiago), explaining she used to be Lilly. Veronica laughs/cries and pulls her in for a hug. They have a chat and Ella confesses she remembers everything about her childhood. Without Veronica, she wouldn’t have survived. That’s why she jumped into the sinkhole…to help Veronica. (Without any supplies or a plan to get home.)
Izzy looks around camp and Sam asks if she wants to join their search party to look for Scott. Or, others are working in the fields. Izzy doesn’t want to join in either activity, thank you very much.
Sam noticed her limping earlier and grabbed tape and tar pit tar to fix her socket. It’s a low-tech solution but it should work. His experience working with the Wounded Warriors program gave him the knowledge he needs to fix her prosthetic.
Izzy thinks she recognizes Sam and figures out she goes to school with his son, Andrew. Andrew showed her a photo of Sam and Riley at a vigil for the missing sinkholers. Izzy assures Sam that his son hasn’t lost hope.
Night falls and most of the camp’s gathered together near the fire. Lucas reports in that he still can’t find Scott, which is weird because Scott’s been like his shadow.
Ty and Veronica have a quiet talk, and Veronica doesn’t understand why Lilly/Ella came here. Veronica believes she’s done unforgivable things but refuses to elaborate before heading off to bed.
A crackling of branches is heard, and Scott emerges from the woods. Ty asks if he’s okay and Scott replies, “You are never going to believe what happened.”

Los Angeles is About to Have Way More Oceanfront Property
Josh (Jack Martin) and Riley (Veronica St. Clair) make it to Hollywood Lake Park and discover it’s surrounded by cops. There are a lot of looky-loos as well as members of the media buzzing around, but Josh thinks they can still sneak through and jump in the sinkhole. (He inherited his father’s “planning” skills, I guess.) Riley speaks for the audience when she suggests they need a better plan.
Riley talks Josh into waiting until it’s dark.
Neither Josh nor Riley notice that a man’s eavesdropping on their conversation.
Josh and Riley eat at a little spot on the Santa Monica Pier that will in the years to come have a sign declaring it’s served LA’s best dogs since 1988. Riley’s dad loves this place, and she wonders if she’ll run into him here. That would be bizarre, for sure, but Josh accurately points out not as crazy as “hanging out with your 10-year-old father and then sending him through a light in the sky so you don’t die.”
Riley notices the dude who stood next to them at the sinkhole and thinks he’s following them. She confronts him and he initially denies it but then quickly comes clean. He’s Franklin Marsh, Professor of Geology at Caltech, and he also believes there’s way more to these sinkholes than meets the eye.
Franklin’s been tracking the sinkholes and every time one opens, their energy waves coincide with a time factor that predicts the next one. Riley asks for that once more in plain English and Franklin says, “More sinkholes are coming.” (He couldn’t have just said that in the first place?)
The next one will be in four days, and it will be REALLY bad. He needs to know what they know since everyone in LA is in danger. The next sinkhole could destroy a large part of the city!
Franklin thinks with their help he can prove his theory and maybe save a whole bunch of people. Without it, people will just think he’s lost his mind.
As they walk and talk, Franklin explains the next sinkhole will open just off the coast in the ocean. It will cause one of the world’s biggest tidal waves and kill millions of people. Franklin begs them to tell him what they know and they agree, even if it means the Hollywood sinkhole closes before they can jump through it.
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