Paramount Network spent months telling Yellowstone fans that the fifth season is the show’s final. However, they dropped the “series” finale from promos, and word has it that a spinoff/continuation of the story is in the works, focusing on Beth (Kelly Reilly) and Rip (Cole Hauser). Even if that is confirmed, Yellowstone, as fans have known it for five seasons, ends with season five episode 14, “Life is a Promise.”
The following recap is spoiler-filled, so read at your own risk.
The season finale opens with dozens of tribal members riding out in the dead of night and destroying portions of the pipeline by dumping them in the lake.
Over at the ranch, the entire Yellowstone gang hangs out in the bunkhouse while Travis (Taylor Sheridan) tells stories. There’s lots of laughter and reminiscing before Travis and Jimmy (Jefferson White) head back to Texas. Walker (Ryan Bingham) reveals he’s also hitting the road soon to be with Laramie (Hassie Harrison) on the rodeo circuit.
Teeter (Jen Landon) hits Travis up for a job, and he suggests she ask Jimmy what it’s like to work for him. Jimmy doesn’t mince words, but Teeter decides a job at the 6666 is better than sticking around with all the memories of Colby.
After everyone’s taken off, Beth shows Rip 7,000 acres she wants to pick up 40 miles west of Dillon. Rip thinks he can make a living there, but they won’t get rich from it. Beth’s okay with that since she knows how to make money. It’s far from a city, which makes Beth extremely happy. Once Rip says he’s interested, Beth reveals she bought it this morning. Rip wonders who will run Yellowstone, and she teases him that she’ll explain later.
The following morning, Beth is overcome with grief again when the funeral home calls with news that her father’s body is ready. Rip joins her outside, and she explains it will be a really small service with just the family and cowboys. Rip offers to dig John’s grave beside Beth’s mother’s, as Beth takes time to herself to cry. She calls Lynelle, the only outsider invited, and tells her the service is today.
Rip asks the cowboys where they’re moving on to and Ryan’s decided he will wander around a bit. Rip hands each of them an envelope of cash and then asks them to meet him outside. They pick up shovels and head to the Dutton family graveyard, with Rip leading them in digging John’s grave.
Thomas Rainwater (Gil Birmingham) and Mo Brings Plenty are on the road when he asks Mo about the pipeline disruption. Mo says the pipes are somewhere they won’t be found. They arrive at Kayce’s house for a meeting with Kayce, Monica (Kelsey Asbille), and Tate. Kayce describes the area where his home is as East Camp, and it’s only connected with the ranch through the BLM lease. His grandfather shut it down years ago, and Kayce believes he can make a living on this piece of land. He wants to do that now and quit his law enforcement job.
Thomas confirms he doesn’t have the money to buy Yellowstone. Only corporations are big enough to do that. Thomas wishes he had the money, since the government is about to sell it off. Kayce reveals his vision showed two paths. One was his family, and the other was the ranch. He can only save one. But now he’s realized it doesn’t mean someone else can’t save the other. Kayce believes Thomas can do that. He offers Thomas the land at what it was worth when the white men stripped it from the Indigenous people: $1.25 an acre. However, there are two conditions. One, he gets to keep East Camp. And two, Thomas can’t sell or develop the Yellowstone.
Kayce assures Monica that Beth is okay with this. Thomas recalls his promise years ago to John to possess the land and return it to its original state. At the time, he meant that all evidence the Duttons had been there would be removed. Now, Thomas believes the land is sacred since his people and the Duttons are buried in it. He will treat the land as sacred, and that’s good enough for Kayce.

Thomas slices his palm and hands the knife with his blood to Kayce. Monica hands Kayce a knife, and Kayce slices his. He says, “This knife wears mine,” and gives it to Thomas. They are blood brothers now to each other and the land. Thomas will deed East Camp to Kayce, so that it will be their home forever.
Kayce hugs Monica and tells her they are free now.
Rip and Lloyd (Forrie J. Smith) take a break at the grave site after the cowboys are finished. Rip breaks the news that Beth bought a ranch outside Dutton and offers Lloyd a job. Lloyd turns him down, and Rip assures him the offer is always there if he changes his mind.
The action switches to Jamie (Wes Bentley) rehearsing a speech about John’s murder. His speech indicates he’s throwing all the blame on Sarah. Jamie’s speech is nearly word for word what his ex, Christina, suggested, including that John’s murder was also the murder of the people’s ability to choose who represents them.
Back at the ranch, everyone gets dressed for John’s funeral. Rip wants everyone to walk down together. That’s the family’s tradition. However, Beth is wearing high heels and wants to drive.
“I do not need ceremony to highlight the magnitude of this moment,” says Beth.
Everyone’s gathered at the barn as Beth roars up. Thomas asks if it’s okay if he attends. Beth says that’s fine since he’s John’s protector now. She hugs Kayce, happy that Thomas said yes to buying the ranch.
John’s coffin is in the barn, and Beth gasps and covers her mouth as she slowly walks into the barn, sobbing. Everyone else remains outside as she approaches her father’s casket. She lovingly strokes it as she tells her dad that she hopes he understands what they’ve done is the only thing they could do that wouldn’t break her promise to keep the ranch. She whispers, “We won,” and then lays her head on his coffin. She adds, “Breaks my heart that I had to lose you to do it.”
Beth kisses the coffin and tells her dad to go be with her mom. Rip is standing a few feet away and informs the cowboys it’s time to move John’s coffin to the grave site. He and Kayce are among the pallbearers. Beth and Carter are last out of the barn, holding hands as they follow the procession to the family’s cemetery.
Beth glances up as the wind rustles in the trees. A hawk settles on a nearby branch as the ceremony gets underway. Beth is handed a white rose and lays it on John’s grave. She lowers her head and whispers, “I will avenge you.”
Kayce, Tate, and Monica follow, and Kayce admits to Tate that he told his dad he forgives him. Lynelle (Wendy Moniz) follows and says she wore the tightest skirt possible in his honor. She knows he’ll be missed and thought of often. Thomas assures John he will protect the land for him and their families. The cowboys follow, each in turn laying a rose on John’s coffin before it’s lowered into the earth.
Rip’s the final family member at the grave, taking it upon himself to lower John into the earth. He’s told by the priest that shoveling dirt is just symbolic, but Rip says it isn’t today. He’s going to personally cover John’s coffin.
Gator’s got the meat cooking when everyone returns to the barn. Kayce confesses to Monica he’s not sure what will happen to everyone now, and he says his goodbyes as he and Monica head back to East Camp.
Beth’s spent the day angry, and she quickly strips out of her dress and into a T-shirt and jeans. She’s alone when she grabs a can of bear spray and a knife.
Rip finishes replacing the dirt in the grave and smooths over the site. He kneels and says, “Thank you. I want you to know I’ll take care of your daughter. You have my word. I will try and love her the same way that she loved you.”
His parting words while walking away are, “I’ll see you around.”
Rip returns to the barn as Beth’s driving away. No one knows where she’s going, and she’s not answering her phone.

Jamie delivers a speech and lies about not having a sexual relationship with Sarah. He claims anyone saying he did is obstructing justice and will be prosecuted. Jamie praises his dad’s vision for Montana while admitting he didn’t share it. However, he claims he respected it.
Meanwhile, at the ranch, the cowboys say their goodbyes to Ryan, who’s the first to pack up and leave. Suddenly, Rip jumps in his car and tells Lloyd to get in. He’s figured out where Beth is going. Beth finally picks up and confirms she’s got an hour’s head start on him. She refuses to pull over even when Rip screams at her to do it. Rip threatens to call Kayce, and Beth warns him to keep Kayce out of this. She tells Rip that she will keep her promise to her father.
Jamie’s smiling as he drives home from the speech, listening to the media say his speech was exactly what was needed. They call him a leader, and Jamie lets out a huge sigh of relief.
He’s pouring himself a drink at home when Beth attacks him from behind. After hitting him a few times with a tire iron, she sprays him directly in the face with bear spray. She reminds Jamie she always keeps her promises. Jamie fights back and gets Beth on the floor, punching her multiple times in the face and knocking her out. He stumbles to the refrigerator and pours milk on his burning face. He’s about to do it again when Beth hits him. Jamie’s able to knee her in the face while asking if this is all part of her plan.
He punches her in the face again and then kicks her until she’s on the ground. Jamie tells her he’s calling the cops and is going to blame her for killing John and Sarah. He thinks she’ll admit to it to keep their family’s reputation intact. Beth sits up as Jamie goes off about turning the ranch into the biggest recreation destination in America.
Beth informs him they sold the ranch for $1.25 an acre, and Jamie’s speechless. That’s just $1.1 million for the largest ranch in Montana. She lies on the ground, laughs, and says the reservation bought it. “All of your f**king ambitions just f**king gone, just like that,” says Beth.
Jamie kicks her again as he screams in anger and frustration. She pulls her knife and stabs him in the foot. They struggle over control of the knife, and Jamie ends up on top of Beth. He punches her twice more in the face, and her breath turns raspy. Jamie grabs her around the neck, and she’s unable to pull his hands away.
Just as he tells Beth she’s about to become another family secret, Jamie’s lifted from behind and thrown into a wall. He continues to be tossed around like a rag doll until Beth tells Rip to stop. Rip’s holding Jamie upright when Beth stabs him in the chest. She’s just inches from his face and insists he looks at her as he takes his dying breath.
Rip’s not sure how they will get rid of Jamie’s body, and Beth says this is all part of her plan. Rip doesn’t understand, but Beth tells him he will. But first, he needs to take Jamie to the train station. She thanks Rip for saving her again, lights up a cigarette, and calls 9-1-1.
As all this is going on, Kayce and Monica are going over the purchase contract with Thomas and Mo. Kayce goes through it line-by-line, and is happy to read that the Yellowstone will only allow horse or foot traffic in the future. Thomas hands over the check and says, “Congratulations. You just made the worst land deal since my people sold Manhattan.”
Thomas promises Kayce the ranch will never change and thanks him for saving the land. Kayce hurries outside, needing a minute to himself. He sobs, and Monica runs into his arms. Kayce’s happy to be free, and Monica insists this is closure and forgiveness. He tosses away his badge as Mo joins them. A wolf is digging nearby, and Mo says it’s building a den because it also likes this land. Mo explains this wolf isn’t real and that they all share in Kayce’s vision now.
Kayce and Monica hold each other tight, ready to face the future together.
Beth’s breath is still raspy as the paramedics try to stabilize her inside Jamie’s house. Detective Dillard arrives and is told Beth visited Jamie’s place when he opted not to attend John’s funeral. An officer says Beth accused Jamie of involvement in their father’s death, and he beat her up. Beth told the cops Jamie punched her until she was unconscious. When she came to, he was gone.
Dillard questions Beth about accusing Jamie of involvement in John’s death. She insists he lied during the speech and was sleeping with the attorney. Beth says she saw Sarah in Jamie’s house, naked. She suggests Dillard look for LLCs in Sarah’s name and for large wire transfers to offshore accounts. “That is how you will find the people who killed my father. Sarah Atwood is the b*tch that paid for it,” says Beth.
She adds that Jamie ordered the murder, and the beating she took is evidence of what he’ll do to keep anyone from looking into it. The EMT says her lung is punctured; they need to transport her immediately.
As Dillard walks her to the ambulance, he confirms he also believes Jamie is responsible.
Rip and Lloyd dispose of Jamie’s body at the train station. After that’s done, they burn Jamie’s car.
Carter’s with Beth at the hospital as the news says charges have been filed against Attorney General Jamie Dutton. Authorities think Jamie’s vehicle was intentionally set on fire to destroy evidence and that additional charges may be filed. Jamie is also going to be impeached.
Beth refuses to take Oxy for the pain and instead self-medicates with alcohol.
Teeter arrives in Texas, and, of course, Travis makes fun of her accent. He sends her off to work on a horse nicknamed Mankiller, and Jimmy assures her he’s actually a sweet horse.
Ryan buys a ticket and watches Abby (Lainey Wilson) perform, a huge smile on his face. He makes his way through the standing-room-only crowd and after she’s finished, he confesses he made a mistake. He picked the wrong option, admitting he should have picked her. All he can think about is her. She kisses him but wonders when he needs to get back to Yellowstone. When he says he’s done with that, she offers to introduce him to life on a bus.

Rip walks through the empty barn, stripped of livestock and supplies. He stares out at the ranch and then walks back through the barn, closing the doors behind him. Beth does the same but in the big house. She walks through the living room and formal dining room, and then joins Kayce upstairs to look at the empty first floor. She asks if he wants anything from the office and he doesn’t. If he changes his mind, the contents have been put in storage.
She goes downstairs and pauses, telling Kayce who’s still lingering upstairs, that someday Tate may want to know his family’s story. “It’s a story worth remembering,” she says.
Kayce pulls away from the big house, towing the large horse trailer. Lloyd and Rip are lowering the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch sign that hangs over the main gate when he drives up. Kayce’s going to start his own brand, so Rip says he’ll keep the sign at his place if Kayce ever wants it.
Kayce doesn’t think he’ll change his mind. Rip wonders how many pairs he’ll run, and Kayce’s thinking 300. Rip offers his help if Kayce ever needs it.
Later, Kayce and Tate attend a cattle auction to stock up their East Camp ranch. As ceremonies are performed, Thomas’ crew gets to work stripping down the main house. Thomas stares out over the land, tears in his eyes.
The “Y” is gently removed from the outside of the barn.
Mo stops children from toppling the Dutton family headstones, insisting they died protecting this land. Those graves will remain intact. He carefully rights all of the headstones, making sure they are each in their original spots. John Dutton’s is the final stone to be put back in its rightful place.
Elsa’s voiceover says that for 141 years and seven generations, the Duttons have been on this land. Her father was told they would come for this land, and he promised to return it to the Indigenous people. However, the promise was never written down yet lived on in this place’s spirit. Men cannot own the wild land but will suffer and sacrifice to be its stewards.
Kayce, Monica, and Tate watch as their 300 cattle are unloaded. Monica says in her dreams this is how she always thought it would be. Kayce admits it’s this way in his dreams, too.
Yellowstone season five ends with Beth and Rip on their new ranch. She looks content as she watches Carter and Rip herd their cattle. Rip says the grass is about as good as he’s ever seen. “Cowboys are the only people on earth that get excited about grass,” says Beth as she strokes his cheek.
Rip confirms he’s happy now, and Beth says she’s getting happy. She went to the bar in town and just a couple of old guys were there. The bartender laughed when she asked about tourists.
Rip hitches Beth’s horse as she looks over their land. (The perfect ending if a Beth/Rip spinoff is, in fact, in the works.)
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- Yellowstone Season 5 Episode 8 “A Knife and No Coin” Recap
- Yellowstone Season 5 Episode 9 “Desire Is All You Need” Recap
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