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‘Heels’ Season 2 Episode 6 Recap: “Appearances”

Heels Season 2 Episode 6 Recap
Heels Season 2 Episode 6 Recap
Robby Ramos, Kelli Berglund, and Trey Tucker in ‘Heels’ season 2 episode 6 (Photo Credit: Starz)

Starz’s Heels season two episode six opens with a brief rundown of what’s happening in the FWD and DWL. The wrap-up ends with Ace (Alexander Ludwig) working on a vision board while his mom (correctly) points out that he’s been acting weird recently.

Ace explains that he’s examined his life, and he’s decided he needs room to just reflect and think.

Jack (Stephen Amell), Staci (Alison Luff), and the newly enlightened Ace meet with Brooks Rizzo (Josh Segarra) to discuss his streaming service. After Jack thanks him for making the trek all the way to Duffy, Brooks confirms Continuum needs to grow its subscriber base in the lead-up to a merger with a larger company. Professional wrestling has a huge audience that Continuum would like to tap into.

While the meeting’s going on, Wild Bill (Chris Bauer) addresses the wrestlers and explains that Jack is meeting with a man who could change the DWL’s future. They need to all think about what they can bring to the table to make an impression.

Bill tells them they need to ask themselves, “How can we be exceptional?” He suggests they each need to come up with something great, something to make them stand out from the pack.

Bill instructs them to write down what they want from this endeavor and what they’ll do to make it a reality.

Over at FWL, Rooster (Allen Maldonado) and Charlie Gully (Mike O’Malley) work on a new promo video featuring Rooster calling out Duffy and demanding a last-man-standing fight with The Condamned. If The Condamned has the guts to show up, Rooster will put his belt on the line.

Gully’s shown the numbers from the match with Duffy and is stunned to see Crystal generated more interest than any female wrestler in FWD history. Gully rings up Willie (Mary McCormack) and reveals he wants Crystal to join Dystopia for real – not just the act they put on in the ring. He also offers Willie the job of Crystal’s front-of-house manager, if she’ll jump ship and join FWD.

Gully suggests Willie take time to consider his offer and think about what she really wants for her future.

A flashback shows Tom Spade, Wild Bill, and Willie (Bill’s valet and girlfriend) on the verge of making a deal with Ted Turner. The meeting between the billionaire and the Duffy crew is postponed numerous times, and finally Tom confesses to Willie that Ted isn’t interested in her or Bill – Ted only wants to sign him to the WCW.

Tom planned on signing the contract and then finding a way to bring Willie and Bill along for the ride. However, Ted Turner kept making him wait for hours at his office and then postponing meetings. Tom decided to step away from the deal because he didn’t like being disrespected.

Tom was certain Vince McMahon and the WWF would step in since Ted Turner blew the opportunity. Tom also breaks the news to Bill that Willie is now his valet – a change Willie asked him to make. (To this day, Bill’s heart still aches when he thinks about Willie leaving him.)

Heels Season 2 Episode 6 Recap
Chris Bauer in ‘Heels’ season 2 episode 6 (Photo Credit: Starz)

The flashback fast forwards a bit, and Tom visits Bill on a movie set where Bill’s playing an angel. The DWL is in bad financial straits (its normal condition) and Tom needs more money from his now very successful friend. Tom won’t come right out and ask, and Bill points out that he’s already lent Tom half a million dollars (WHAT?!) that he’ll never see again. Every year or so, Tom reaches out and treats Bill like an ATM. They both play the victim card but, really, only Bill has a point.

Bill’s done with these annual meetings and suggests that Tom should just contact his accountant next time. Before they part, Tom asks Bill not to tell Carol, Ace, or Jack about the loans. It’s too embarrassing.

Tom covers his lies by telling his wife he found new investors to help fund the DWL.

Back to current events, Willie fills Crystal (Kelli Berglund) in on Gully’s offer. Even though Willie doesn’t think Crystal should go to Dystopia, she believes Crystal deserves to know about Gully’s interest. Willie hints that if Crystal stays and they don’t get picked up for streaming on Continuum, Jack might not have the money to start a women’s division.

Crystal takes it all in, not sure she wants to leave her Duffy friends. Willie points out they don’t need to decide right now; they can see how the Continuum deal works out.

The wrestlers watch as Brooks leaves, providing a play-by-play as he walks to his car. Jack joins them and says Brooks is open to working with the DWL, but they’ll need to dig deep and impress him. This is a huge opportunity, and they can’t let it slip away.

Bill leads a “DWL” chant and everyone but Willie joins in. She stares at Crystal and then at Staci, who usurped her position as Jack’s right-hand woman and attended the meeting. Willie doesn’t look pleased about Continuum or about Staci’s increased involvement in the DWL.

The episode ends with a flashback to Bill performing a scene that Tom rewrote. Even the director’s impressed with the new script as the shoot wraps up for the day. A short while later, he receives a phone call from Tom’s wife, Carol, with the news that Tom just shot himself in the head.

Carol has no idea about the $500,000 that Bill’s given to Tom over the years and blames/shames him for not ever helping Tom out after he hit it big. Bill doesn’t divulge Tom’s secret, even when Carol insults him.

The post ‘Heels’ Season 2 Episode 6 Recap: “Appearances” appeared first on ShowbizJunkies.

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