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‘Outlander’ Season 7 Episode 8 Recap: “Turning Points”

Outlander Season 7 Episode 8
Outlander Season 7 Episode 8
Caitriona Balfe in ‘Outlander’ season 7 episode 8 (Photo Credit: Starz)

Starz’s Outlander season seven episode eight – the mid-season finale – opens with Jamie (Sam Heughan) still unconscious on the battlefield. A mother and her son are stealing items off the dead when Jamie coughs. Claire (Caitriona Balfe) arrives just in time to stop the thieves from slitting Jamie’s throat, holding them off by grabbing a sword and threatening to kill them if they don’t back off.

Don’t mess with badass Claire in full protective mode!

Claire berates her husband for getting injured in hand-to-hand combat. He’s a sniper and not supposed to be in the thick of the fight, and Claire calls him a “vainglorious, pig-headed, grandstanding Scot.” The only word Jamie takes exception to is grandstanding.

Claire admits he scared her, and Jamie thanks the love of his life for saving him again.

Claire tends to Jamie’s wounds back at camp, informing him that Ian’s returned safe and sound. The Brits are declaring victory even though they lost twice as many soldiers.

The casualties are affecting Dr. Denzell Hunter (Joey Phillips), and he asks Claire how she handles losing so many patients who succumb to their injuries. She suggests he needs to think of those he saved instead of those they lost.

Denzell asks if all this death is worth it, and Claire assures him it will be.

Two weeks pass, and Jamie’s wounded hand is healing well. Claire confesses to Ian that she had hoped Jamie would stay away from the next battle – the one that will draw the French into the war – but now she wonders if he’s meant to be there. Ian’s learned that the British want to divide the colonial forces, but Major General Burgoyne won’t wait long before attacking, even if it means he fights without reinforcements.

Outlander Season 7 Episode 8 Ian and Rachel
Izzy Meikle-Small and John Bell in ‘Outlander’ season 7 episode 8 (Photo Credit: Starz)

Ian jumps at the chance to deliver goose grease to Rachel (Izzy Meikle-Small) from Claire. (Denzell needs it for a constipated patient.) They flirt and Ian pulls Rachel in for a kiss. She slaps him in response, but minutes later, they touch hands and almost kiss again. Rachel says they shouldn’t, and they discuss Rachel’s feelings, with Ian certain that she loves him. Rachel reminds him she didn’t say that.

Ian leaves before they do something they might regret.

Claire has an encounter with an infamous figure from history. Major General Benedict Arnold (Rod Hallett) offers a trade for medical supplies, and they strike a deal. (This is before he introduces himself.) It’s not until Jamie joins them and answers a question with a quote from Robert Browning that Claire learns who she’s speaking to.

When Arnold walks off, Claire explains that he’ll become disillusioned and will side with the British. “His name will become synonymous with being the traitor,” explains Claire. “200 years from now if someone betrays you, you’ll call them a Benedict Arnold. It’s all he’ll ever be remembered for.”

Jamie’s stunned, but Claire believes they can’t do anything about it. He’ll betray the colonies, and America will win. They can’t risk changing anything.

Daniel Morgan (Barry O’Connor) addresses the men around a campfire. He delivers news from Major General Gates that John Brown has retaken Sugarloaf, freed over 100 of their men, and captured a dozen British officers.

Daniel strips off his shirt and the scars on his back rival Jamie’s. They were put there by the British Army after he fought back when an officer struck him. He earned 499 lashes for standing up for himself.

Jamie believes Daniel senses in him a kindred spirit, but he never told him about his own lashes.

Outlander Season 7 Episode 8 Jamie
Sam Heughan and Barry O’Connor in ‘Outlander’ season 7 episode 8 (Photo Credit: Starz)

The second Battle of Saratoga commences, and Jamie does his best to stay hidden while shooting at the enemy. General Arnold spots Brigadier General Simon Fraser (Angus Macfadyen) riding among his men, and Jamie’s stunned to see his cousin across the field. Although Daniel Morgan admires Fraser, he agrees with Arnold that Simon needs to die.

General Arnold orders Jamie to shoot Brigadier General Simon Fraser, and Jamie takes aim. He fires and deliberately misses, shooting the tricorn hat off of his son, William Ransom, instead. (Jamie was unaware it was William.) Another soldier shoots Simon Fraser, and William rushes to his side.

With Simon being led off the battlefield, General Arnold orders the men to pursue the retreating Brits. Daniel Morgan tells his men to follow Arnold, and Jamie leads them in an assault on the fort. Jamie’s eyes constantly scan the battle, searching for William.

Ian is among those fighting and takes down numerous men as the Continental Army wins this second battle. Benedict Arnold is shot in the leg but survives, and Claire tends to his wounds. He’s upset he didn’t die in the battle so that he’ll be remembered. Gates always leaves him out of stories recounting the battles. “It’s a conscious admission of merit, of fact,” says Arnold, adding, “It robs me of honor and promotion.”

Arnold hates Gates, and Claire assures him he’s not wrong to feel this way. She also tells him that he’ll be remembered.

The day finally ends, and Claire and Jamie have a chance to talk. Jamie reveals he saw William and nearly shot him. He believes William is okay, or at least he was the last he saw him. Jamie wants to sleep until the British surrender is finalized. He’s exhausted, but he’s not going to be allowed to rest. A British soldier enters the Frasers’ tent under the flag of truce with a message that Simon Fraser wants to see him before he dies.

Jamie and Claire agree to visit Jamie’s kin.

Outlander Season 7 Episode 8 Jamie and Claire
Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe in ‘Outlander’ season 7 episode 8 (Photo Credit: Starz)

Simon’s on death’s door when they arrive but still happy to see his kin. They hold hands and even joke about Simon’s condition before discussing the last time they saw each other. Jamie’s sorry Simon must die away from Scotland, and Simon claims he’s content to die now that he has kin by his side.

Claire steps outside and encounters William. They speak about war, and Claire’s sorry for his loss. She describes war as a terrible business, and William has seen enough to agree.

Simon passes away and after Jamie leaves his side, Claire tells him William’s there. Jamie overhears William describing his hat being shot off his head and returns the hat to his son, admitting he was the shooter. Jamie hands it over and walks off without engaging in conversation.

William’s informed that General Fraser requested that he be promoted to captain. General Burgoyne just signed the order, and Simon learned of it before he passed away.

In the days that follow, General Burgoyne has basically agreed to the conditions of surrender and will be leaving America to return to England with his men. They can’t fight in this war again, which means that William is safe.

General Gates asks for a word in private and asks Jamie for a favor. Burgoyne won’t sign the surrender unless Jamie agrees to accompany Simon Fraser’s body to Scotland. Burgoyne believes that will help his men leave the war without feeling as though they’ve deserted the beloved general.

Jamie’s surprised by the request but happy to learn that they’ll be traveling to Scotland on one of His Majesty’s ships. (That solves the problem of making it past the blockade.) Jamie happily agrees and delivers the news to Claire, delighted they’re getting their wish to return to Scotland.

Ian breaks the news to Rachel and requests that she watch over Rollo while he’s gone. Rachel agrees, knowing how much Rollo means to Ian and aware that this means Ian will return to America. She explains she’ll be traveling south with the army, and Ian should be able to meet up with her at Valley Forge.

Rollo and Rachel run into Arch Bug in the woods, and Rachel explains that the dog belongs to a friend. Rollo recognizes Arch, and Arch suggests the dog’s owner must love her to entrust her with his dog. (Get far away from this man, Rachel!)

Claire, Jamie, and Ian sail off to Scotland, with Jamie experiencing a bad bout of sea sickness. Ian misses Rollo, and Jamie just wants to be on dry land. He refuses Claire’s offer of acupuncture, even though he’s been tossing his cookies. Ian and Claire get a good chuckle out of Jamie’s condition just as the bell rings, signifying land is in sight.

Jamie, Claire, and Ian head up to the deck and smile as they get their first look at Scotland in years.

And that’s our last visit with the trio until part two of season seven arrives in 2024.

Outlander Season 7 Episode 8
Richard Rankin and Sophie Skelton in ‘Outlander’ season 7 episode 8 (Photo Credit: Starz)

Roger and Buck Time-Travel to Find Jemmy

Roger (Richard Rankin) and Buck (Diarmaid Murtagh) return to Lallybroch with the heartbreaking news that Rob took Jemmy through the stones. While they were out, Bree (Sophie Skelton) discovered the musket ball and letter about the gold are missing from the chest. Roger screams in anger and anguish, and knows he needs to head through the stones right now. Otherwise, he won’t catch up to them.

Roger’s certain they’ll head to Inverness to catch a ship to America. Buck volunteers to go with Roger since Bree needs to stay with Mandy. Buck’s fine with heading back to his own time and wants to help his kin. Bree has gems for both of them, and they prepare by getting into period clothing.

The family and Buck arrive at the stones, and the stones buzz in Buck’s ears. Roger promises to bring Jemmy home, says goodbye to Bree and Mandy, and steps through the stones with Buck.

Bree tries to hold back tears as she stares at the stones.

The post ‘Outlander’ Season 7 Episode 8 Recap: “Turning Points” appeared first on ShowbizJunkies.

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