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Mayans M.C. Season 5 Episode 7 Recap: To Fear of Death I Eat the Stars

Mayans MC Season 5 Episode 7 Recap
Mayans MC Season 5 Episode 7 Recap
Clayton Cardenas as Angel Reyes in ‘Mayans MC’ season 5 episode 7 (Photo CR: Prashant Gupta/FX)

FX’s Mayans M.C. season five episode seven says goodbye to two major, longtime players as we head into the final stretch of episodes. The body count explodes in episode seven, with Emily finally getting her hands bloody instead of calling on EZ to do her dirty work, and a Santo Padre associate is taken out after being labeled the club’s rat. Plus, Ibarra’s son finally exacts his revenge at the most inopportune time.

But it’s the gut-wrenching deaths of two key Mayans M.C. characters that make episode seven so heartbreaking.

Plenty of spoilers ahead…you’ve been warned!

Letty (Emily Tosta) is sprawled on the ground in the middle of nowhere late at night when two Broken Angels come to her rescue. Letty’s brought back to their ranch and Johnny Panic (Caitlin Stasey) takes care of her, assuring her the man who did this can’t reach her there.

Johnny lays out the Broken Saints’ rules: everyone chips in, no visitors, and they always speak the truth. If she sticks to the rules, she’s good. If Letty breaks them, Broken Saints will break her.

Morning arrives and Maverick’s crying wakes Angel (Clayton Cardenas). Adelita’s nowhere to be found, and Angel reluctantly gets up to take care of Maverick. Angel discovers his precious son is sick and while cleaning his crib, he finds bundles of cash under the mattress.

Angel heads to the store for medicine before showing up at Felipe’s for help.

Maggie walks in on Bishop (Michael Irby) in bed with Treenie (Augie Duke). She’s devastated and breaks off their relationship while Bishop pleads with her to understand that this means nothing. He earns a slap across the face when he apologizes, and Maggie places the blame on herself. She knew who he was going into this.

Adelita (Carla Baratta) shows up at the farm and declares they’re moving up their plan. It needs to launch today, even though they’re not ready.

Mayans MC Season 5 Episode 7 Recap
JD Pardo as EZ Reyes in ‘Mayans MC’ season 5 episode 7 (Photo CR: Prashant Gupta/FX)

EZ (JD Pardo) meets with Cole’s boss, and because the Mayans have been exceeding their quota, all California prisons are now theirs. Iron War and Storm 88 will take their orders from the Mayans. However, if EZ accepts this deal, he’ll owe him half of the club’s take. EZ counters with 30%, but this isn’t open to negotiation. EZ’s warned not to disappoint him.

Gilly (Vincent Vargas) and Hank (Frankie Loyal) join EZ for the meeting, and both are against the deal. It’s not worth the risk. EZ realizes that but needs time to consider their options.

Emily (Sarah Bolger) tries to convince Marlon’s mom, Charlotte (Kathleen Quinlan) – the woman who called her a murderer in the grocery store and who attempted to kidnap Cristobal in the park – that Marlon committed suicide. Charlotte’s not buying it and knows he was murdered. She calls Emily a liar and believes it’s her fault Marlon was brutally killed. Charlotte also claims they have proof that EZ murdered Marlon on Emily’s orders, and she’s ready to present her evidence to the district attorney.

Emily can’t let that happen and savagely beats Charlotte to death, caving in her skull.

Miguel’s man/Emily’s bodyguard Luis instructs Emily on how to take care of Charlotte’s body. They stage the scene to make it appear she slipped while taking a bath.

Back at the clubhouse, Nestor (Gino Vento) summons up the courage to ask Jess (Grace Rizzo) if she’ll go out with him once he gets patched in. She accepts, and they shake on it (they both admit that’s a weird reaction), but Nestor’s not done. He asks if she’ll hang out as friends with him tonight, and again she says yes.

Elsewhere, the Saints show Letty the ropes and have her help destroy appliances to get to their copper. Letty takes out her anger at Isaac with a hammer, really getting into the destruction. But then she makes the mistake of asking why one of the women ended up there and is told by the Broken Saints VP that it’s bad form to ask that. If someone wants to volunteer what happened, they will.

Letty says she was taking care of someone (Hope) and because she messed up, she’s gone. She accepts all the blame for screwing up.

Just then, EZ, Hank, Guero (Andrew Jacobs), and Bottles (Alex Barone) arrive, and Elio the cook is ecstatic to be reunited with his friend. He and Bottles have a quick hug before Bottles helps unload the supplies from the van. EZ hands Johnny the Broken Saints’ share of the cash, and Johnny notes that EZ looks sadder each time she sees him. He claims he’s doing bad to do some good, and he admits he’s not sleeping. He’s also not sure there’s enough good left to make up for everything he’s done.

Letty watches all this but doesn’t make her presence known.

Adelita seems to be dropping off cash as usual when she shoots Sirena – one of Soledad’s enforcers who’s in charge of the counting room – in the head. She doesn’t kill the women actually doing the counting but does grab all the bags of cash. She makes her way through the restaurant, taking out one guard before being shot by another. She fires back and continues out of the building, injured but still able to move.

The bags are heavy and her injury causes her to drop them, and some of the bills fall out. Still, she struggles on and makes it back to the car. She shoots her driver and comes under heavy gunfire as she speeds away from the scene.

Meanwhile, Felipe (Edward James Olmos) prepares a special drink for Maverick to help with his fever. Neither has heard from Adelita, and Angel reveals he found money that she hid in Maverick’s crib. He asks his dad if Adelita left, and Felipe confesses that he doesn’t know. Angel tries to convince himself she’ll be there when he gets home, but he sounds incredibly worried.

Mayans MC Season 5 Episode 7 Recap
Carla Baratta as Adelita in ‘Mayans M.C.’ season 5 episode 7 (Photo CR: Prashant Gupta/FX)

Adelita arrives at her destination. It turns out her plan was to turn the cash over to Mini. The children guarding the complex are heavily armed and don’t help Adelita as she struggles with the bags. She calls out for Mini and is shocked when a boy she recognizes holds a gun to her back.

He takes her inside to see Mini, and Adelita’s surprise continues when it’s apparent that Mini isn’t happy to see her. Adelita explains that she gathered the poppy farmers for Mini, and Mini is now in charge of them.

Mini asks if it’s true she was working for the cartel, and Adelita admits she was because she was forced to. However, she used her time with the LNG to get the farmers ready for Mini. She’s brought the money she stole from the LNG to Mini so that she can help the farmers.

“They need a leader. They need Adelita,” says Adelita, meaning Mini should take over her spot as the leader. (Note: Adelita’s name is Luisa Espina, but I’ve always referred to her as Adelita in seven seasons of recaps since that’s the name she went by when she led the Los Olvidados rebels.)

Mini finally gets up and approaches Adelita, and Adelita caresses her face.

“You really are…Adelita,” says Adelita.

“And you are the devil,” replies Mini, taking Adelita by surprise and stabbing her multiple times in the stomach. Mini continues to stab Adelita long after it appears that she’s dead.

The next death in the episode comes immediately after Adelita’s. It’s late at night and Nestor and Jess are in a car, laughing, when he pulls over to look at the view. Jess continues her story and as she looks at Nestor, he pulls out a gun and aims it at her head. She has a brief moment to realize what’s about to happen before he pulls the trigger.

Nestor takes a deep breath and sighs, but he doesn’t have a chance to do anything else before Hank shows up to help get rid of Jess’ body. Hank asks if he’s good, and Nestor replies, “F**k that c**t. She was a rat.”

Emily arrives home late at night as Miguel’s collecting Cristobal’s stuffed owl to bring to their room where Cristobal’s sleeping. Emily’s still shaken up over what happened, and when Miguel (Danny Pino) asks how she is, she grabs his face and kisses him. They have sex standing up against the door.

In bed, Miguel believes there’s a chance they can be free of everything – including Potter. He confesses he’d burn everything down to get back to the relationship they used to share as a couple.

Mayans MC Season 5 Episode 7 Creeper
Joseph Lucero as Neron “Creeper” Vargas in ‘Mayans MC’ season 5 episode 7 (Photo CR: Prashant Gupta/FX)

Over at the prison, Creeper (Joseph Raymond Lucero) is released from solitary confinement. He immediately heads to the phones and scans the room as he waits in line. His turn comes, and he calls Hank who’s on his way into a club meeting. Hank notices it’s Creeper and answers as EZ watches what’s going down.

Before Creeper can say anything more than, “Hank, listen to me,” he’s jumped by two prisoners and repeatedly stabbed in the stomach.

The attack is fatal. RIP Creeper.

Hank joins the group and reports he got disconnected before Creeper said anything. The guys are shocked Jess was a rat, and Hank explains they kept it to themselves because they had to be sure. Hank reveals Jess’ sister is with Terry, SoA San Bernardino’s VP, and that’s how SoA stayed one step ahead of Santo Padre.

EZ announces he took the deal to control the prisons, and the guys aren’t happy with his decision. Bishop calls it a bullsh*t deal, but EZ believes it’s the only way to move forward quickly. Only by having the prisons under their control can they defeat their enemies. Now they own Storm 88 and Iron War, which means they can keep their brothers safe.

The Mayans own the pipeline and can take over all of California. Plus, EZ plans on owning Arizona too. This deal will end the war. (The Mayans are now in charge of the prisons, yet Creeper was just taken out. Will Santo Padre figure out something’s up once they learn of his death?)

Angel arrives back home to an empty house. He places Maverick on the bed and sits down on the edge. Maverick sits up and scoots over next to his dad. Angel turns off the light and cuddles his young son.

Letty uses the cover of darkness to sneak around the Broken Saints ranch. She spots a couple of guards and then peeks through cracks in a wall at the workers cooking heroin.

Back at Santo Padre’s clubhouse, the guys are all relaxing and hanging out, drinking, when Oakland President Diaz (Alex Fernandez) and VP Jinx (Giovanni Rodriguez) come busting through the door. They’re pissed that Santo Padre broke Oakland’s deal with Charming by killing Happy. It seems no one other than EZ and Angel knew that, and EZ asks to discuss this in private.

Diaz thinks EZ blew up the only thing keeping Oakland safe, and EZ reveals that he made a deal to take over the prison pipeline. All of the prisons’ CEOs and LEOs now answer to the Mayans, so if other clubs want their guys to survive inside, they have to side with the Mayans over the Sons.

Diaz questions whether the Grim Bastards will continue their alliance with Sons since they go way back, but EZ believes putting Isaac in charge soured that relationship. Oakland’s Prez isn’t happy they’ve aligned with cops and Nazis, but EZ believes this will lead to quicker peace in the long run.

Hank hands over a hefty wad of cash which helps end the disagreement.

Diaz and EZ hug as the Oakland leaders head toward the door to visit Marcus. Before they can leave, Guero stuns his Mayan brothers by shooting Diaz in the back of the head. (It’s his revenge for his father’s murder.) Bishop, who’s been moping the end of his relationship off by himself, knows what needs to be done and shoots Jinx.

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