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‘Manifest’ Season 4 Episode 19 Recap: “Formation”

Manifest Season 4 Episode 19 Recap
Manifest Season 4 Episode 19 Recap
Ty Doran as Cal Stone and Luna Blaise as Olive Stone in ‘Manifest’ season 4 episode 19 (Photo Cr. Netflix © 2022)

The penultimate episode of Netflix’s Manifest begins with a flashback to Ben and Michaela as kids. Season four episode 19 reveals that as kids, they made a deal not to compete and instead to be equals, with their mom insisting that as co-captains they’ll be stronger together.

Current events find Michaela (Melissa Roxburgh) and Ben (Josh Dallas) sharing a brief moment of sibling bonding, with Michaela teasing her big brother about the smell of perfume clinging to his clothes. It’s one day until the Death Date, and Ben’s been trying to keep the 828ers calm, assuring them it’s not over until it’s over.

The comatose passengers are all awake but don’t remember anything after being experimented on by the Major. They were in callings for five and a half years but don’t remember what the callings were about.

Olive (Luna Blaise) finds her brother sitting alone, holding the king of storms dragon. Cal (Ty Doran) is trying to keep Olive out of his mess, but she reminds him they are the original Gemini twins. They need to all work together to solve problems, and Cal shouldn’t hold things in. Cal shows her the drawing of the peacock with the two sapphires coming together, and Olive’s sure they need to get their dad and Michaela’s input on what it means.

The Stones discuss the calling, and although Cal doesn’t want to, Ben and Michaela believe the calling wants Cal to go to Angelina and see if she’ll work with him to save the world. They’re the only two with sapphires, and the calling indicates that they must connect to stop the Death Date.

Cal reluctantly agrees to try and meet up with Angelina in the glow.

Meanwhile, Adrian (Jared Grimes) explains he’s at the safe house to make amends. He’s been tracking everyone he wronged down to redeem himself. He apologizes that Angelina misunderstood when he told her to find her angel, and Angelina (Holly Taylor) doesn’t care. She declares herself an archangel sent by God, and Adrian laughs.

Angelina believes she has the power of destruction and salvation, and that she’s the real deal. Adrian asks her to show him her powers, and suddenly she’s pulled into a calling. She meets Cal on the plane, and he confesses that she was right. They need to work together to save the world.

Their sapphires glow and reach out toward each other, but Angelina breaks the connection. She doesn’t want to join Cal in saving the world; she wants the world to end.

Cal tells his family what happened and that although the sapphires connected, Angelina refused to help save the world.

Ben joins Vance (Daryl Edwards) and Saanvi in the medical bay and is astonished that the patients are awake. Vance shows Ben security footage of Marko, but he speaks Bulgarian and they don’t understand the word he said – kovcheg – when he woke up. Ben asks him to draw it, and Marko draws a coffin.

Saanvi’s convinced it’s a sign they are all going to die.

Jared (J.R Ramirez) helps Drea (Ellen Tamaki) with supplies, and Drea announces she still has hope they’ll survive. And with that, she decides the baby’s name is Hope. Jared’s 100% behind that name.

Cal thinks Michaela hates him because Zeke sacrificed himself so he could live. Cal’s failure to save the world means Zeke’s sacrifice was in vain. Michaela shows Cal Zeke’s drawing and tells him to let go of his guilt.

Olive joins them, and they realize the three original symbols – the peacock, the dragon, and the Gemini – are on the table in front of them. That can’t be a coincidence. These symbols pointed them to the Death Date. Could they help stop it?

Saanvi rains on the Stones’ parade by telling them about Marko’s coffin calling. She’s certain they can’t stop the Death Date, even though the original symbols reappeared. Still, she remains at the table as they try and look at the items through fresh eyes.

When they get to the dragon, Saanvi realizes that it being the dragon representing the king of storms could mean they need to go to Storm King Mountain.

Ben takes Marko for a walk, and Marko reacts to a drawing of the Ark on the board. Kovcheg not only means coffin – it also means ark! And Saanvi threw a piece of Noah’s Ark into the fissure at Storm King Mountain, and inside that piece was sapphire. (It’s all starting to come together, and not a minute too soon!)

Cal needs the Ark piece, not Angelina, to fulfill his calling. The group’s all smiles when Ben declares they need shovels and other supplies because they’re going on a treasure hunt.

The treasurer hunters include Ben, Michaela, Olive, Cal, Eden, Jared, Drea, Vance, and TJ (Garrett Wareing). Olive’s the first to point out that the fissure is the same shape as Cal’s dragon scar.

They get busy digging but don’t make a dent in the fissure. Cal realizes they need to wait for a sign. He doesn’t know what or when but will know it when he sees it.

Manifest Season 4 Episode 19 Recap
Ali Lopez-Sohaili as Eagan in ‘Manifest’ season 4 (Photo Cr. Netflix © 2022)

Back at the safe house, Aidan realizes something spooked Eagan when he asked Angelina about her ark. Angelina doesn’t have one and thinks God will supply it when it’s time. But Eagan knows where Saanvi threw a piece of Noah’s Ark. Eagan confesses that after holding the Omega Sapphire once, he knows it has the power to save him, which should be enough to make him follow Angelina and tell her about the wood.

Aidan points out that if Eagan tells Angelina, it will doom everyone on the planet.

Eagan does the right thing and leaves Angelina. She warns him he’ll die painfully, but Eagan doesn’t change his mind.

Over at Storm King Mountain, Michaela tells Saanvi that throwing the piece into the fissure was the exact right thing to do. She kept it safe until they needed it.

Cal and Ben have a nice father-son bonding moment as they set up camp. Cal admits he’s scared, and Ben assures him they’re in this together.

Ben thanks Vance for everything he’s done for the 828ers and for this family, but now it’s time for him to go to Florida and be with his family. They hug, and Ben says it’s goodbye until next time.

Michaela and Ben compete to see who collects the most firewood, just as they did as kids in the opening flashback scene. Michaela comes to an abrupt stop when she spots the tree with their initials. Neither sibling realized this is the same location from their childhood. They think maybe their mom was preparing them to become co-captains of the Lifeboat.

Drea brought enough supplies to last a week, and they discuss what they might do on the day after the Death Date. Later, as Ben and Michaela are preparing to turn in for the night, he asks if she regrets taking a later flight. She admits life would have been easier if she hadn’t, but she wouldn’t have met Zeke. Ben would have chosen to stay with Grace, even if it meant they wouldn’t have Eden. He believes Eden would have made her way to them somehow anyway.

Ben and Saanvi have a private chat, and both admit they’re still not over their exes. Saanvi still loves Alex and Ben misses Grace every day. Saanvi thinks Ben isn’t her end game, but she’ll always have “mad love” for him. Ben feels the same way.

The group toasts to saving the world tomorrow while gathered around the campfire. TJ wonders if anyone will even know what they did or if the 828ers will just go on being hated. “I just hope the good is enough to outweigh the bad,” says Saanvi.

Cal suggests it would have been easier if they all just walked off the plane with a note saying, “Be good to each other…or else.” And Michaela doesn’t believe the callings forced them to do good; they were able to choose what to do for themselves.

No one notices when Cal’s dragon scar briefly lights up, and he doesn’t draw attention to it as they head off to their tents after giving each other hugs.

Inside their tent, Michaela confesses that she got on the later flight to stall. She realized Jared proposed to help her get through Evie’s death. He insists he loved her then and loves her now. But now Michaela doesn’t want him to compromise on his happiness. She knows he needs Drea and the baby and believes that’s who he’s meant to be with.

Jared insists he wants to be with her, but Michaela saw how he and Drea looked at each other at the campfire. It’s his sense of loyalty that’s keeping him with her, but now he deserves to be with Drea.

They exchange I love yous, but Michaela believes he should live the life he needs to with Drea and Hope.

It’s late at night and everyone’s asleep when Cal wakes up and walks to the fissure. His dragon begins shining, and the fissure shines blue in response. He knows it’s all connected and realizes exactly what he must do.

Ben wakes up seconds after Cal and follows him, asking him not to leave. Ben doesn’t want to lose his son again, but Cal assures him it will be all right. This is Cal’s part to play; he needs to save the passengers. There isn’t any other way, and Cal thanks Ben for being his dad. Ben responds by pulling Cal in for a hug and saying, “I love you, my beautiful boy.”

Cal stands on the fissure and its sapphire connects to his sapphire. A brilliant blue column reaching up to the heavens lights up the sky, and Cal disappears inside its light.

All of the 828ers wake and look to the sky, staring at the blue column.

The post ‘Manifest’ Season 4 Episode 19 Recap: “Formation” appeared first on ShowbizJunkies.

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