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‘Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies’ Episode 10 Recap: “Racing for Pinks” Season Finale

Grease Rise of the Pink Ladies Episode 10 Recap
Grease Rise of the Pink Ladies Episode 10 Recap
Marisa Davila, Ari Notartomaso, and Tricia Fukuhara in ‘Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies’ episode 10 (Photo Credit: Eduardo Araquel / Paramount+)

Paramount+’s Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies season one episode 10 ends with the shocking arrival of a character with a last name familiar to all Grease fans. The season finale has a lot going on, including a wedding, a drag race, and a carnival, yet it still manages to weave in quieter moments that reveal just how the Pink Ladies have matured over the course of the season.

Episode 10, “Racing for Pinks,” begins with Olivia (Cheyenne Isabel Wells) wearing a veil and gazing into the mirror when Jane (Marisa Davila), Nancy (Tricia Fukuhara), and Cynthia (Ari Notartomaso) arrive and rip the veil off her head. Olivia screams at her mom for letting them in but the Pink Ladies refuse to leave. Minutes in, and we’re treated to one of the best musical numbers of the season.

Olivia enters the living room and the scene switches from color to black & white. Jane, Nancy, and Cynthia channel classic girl groups of the ‘50s, appearing on Olivia’s TV in full gowns and gloves and singing about Olivia’s horrible decision to marry Leonard Daniels.

They sing about Daniels being a geriatric teacher, an old-man creeper, while Olivia’s a woman shining brighter than a thousand stars. She shouldn’t rush and should consider her future. Leo’s not worth her time and she deserves so much better.

As they sing, Olivia’s shown making Leo his martini, knitting, vacuuming, pregnant, and basically waiting on her husband hand and foot. She has four babies to care for while Leo sits on the couch, not lifting a finger to help her out.

The scene is a heightened version of the real life of a housewife in that era, and Olivia understands what her friends are trying to tell her but refuses to listen to their advice.

The song ends and Jane tells Olivia, who’s standing in front of a wedding dress, that she’s being stupid. She’s tossing away her chance to go to college and do something with her life. Olivia reminds them that her family doesn’t have the money to send her to college, and she’ll just wind up getting married young anyway. At least Leo loves her, and he’s one good thing in her life right now.

The school day begins, and Nancy apologizes to Potato (Alexis Sides) for being a jerk. Potato accepts and suggests they celebrate surviving their first fight.

Cynthia pulls Lydia (Niamh Wilson) aside after drama club and confesses her feelings. Being with her feels right, but Lydia pulls away and has her own confession to make. She was with a girl at summer stock and that relationship ended badly. The girl lied about their relationship and called Lydia a deviant. Lydia can’t go through that again.

Jane asks Assistant Principal McGee for help, but there’s nothing she can do. Olivia’s already withdrawn from Rydell. Jane’s upset that McGee’s giving up when all it takes to stop this is getting Richie back in school.

Susan (Madison Thompson) is also hard at work trying to get Buddy back at Rydell. Principal Nicholson explains that the only way to get either Richie or Buddy back is to get everyone to agree on who started the fight. Jane overhears the argument and thinks Susan’s onto something.

Jane gathers the Pink Ladies, the T-Birds, and Buddy’s friends to propose a deal. Buddy and Richie will race and the loser will take the blame for the fight. Of course, the problem with Jane’s plan is that Richie isn’t in town. Gil (Nicholas McDonough) steps up as Richie’s second and volunteers to race in Richie’s place.

The two groups huddle separately, and Buddy’s friends remind him that he can’t beat Gil. Meanwhile, Gil wonders why the T-Birds and Pink Ladies are huddling, and Jane admits it felt like the thing to do after the football players huddled.

While Susan’s pointing out Buddy’s got a better car in their huddle, the Pink Ladies/T-Birds are busy discussing pancakes and suggesting grabbing a table at the Frosty Palace.

Ultimately, Buddy and Gil shake on the deal.

Frenchy and Betty have been eavesdropping and think the race is going to be cool. Jane makes them swear they won’t tell their parents what’s going on. Also, Betty and Frenchy suggest Jane needs more Pink Ladies to cheer at the race, and maybe they can join the gang. Frenchy thinks they have what it takes but Jane and Gil can’t contain themselves and bust out laughing.

Gil jokes that there’s a height requirement, and nope, they can’t join now. (But we all know they will eventually rule the school!)

Susan tries to contribute ideas while helping the cheerleaders make a banner supporting Buddy. She’s rebuffed, and so is Hazel (Shanel Bailey) when she suggests maybe they can do more than just make a sign.

Buddy (Jason Schmidt) drives a practice lap and Wally’s not impressed with his time. Buddy explains that his car gets wobbly at high speeds, and Hazel thinks it needs wider tires. Buddy loves the suggestion and is happy to have at least one friend with bright ideas.

Meanwhile, Gil’s overconfident and not worried about the race. Jane reminds him it’s for Richie, and they need to do everything they can to win. Gil admits he needs a new carburetor, but they need a fancy four-barrel one. (I have no idea what that means but it’s referenced in Grease, too.)

All eyes turn to the snazzy red car parked nearby.

McGee’s going crazy trying to pull together the winter carnival, and Nicholson’s no help at all. He lies when asked if he’s looking for the assistant she requested and then meanders away, casually eating an apple and chuckling to himself.

McGee walks up as Jane and the T-Birds are trying to remove the carburetor from Principal Nicholson’s car. Jane explains it’s to help Olivia, and McGee acts like she didn’t see anything. She walks away without making them stop.

Night falls and Buddy and Hazel chat on their neighboring roofs. Buddy believes he’s going to lose and will have to leave, and that’s a shame. Everything he focused on this year – football, Jane, the election – he lost, but that’s okay. It opened his eyes to who he is and what he really wants.

Hazel shuts Buddy down before he can confess that he has feelings for her.

Gil sneaks into Olivia’s room through her window and catches her singing the Ipana toothpaste song. He breaks the news that he’s racing Buddy. If he wins, Richie can come back to Rydell. Olivia can’t believe he’d fall for Jane’s plan. Jane’s so full of hope and sunshine, and Olivia reminds Gil that they both know the world isn’t fair. Still, Gil hopes Olivia will show up for the race.

Grease Rise of the Pink Ladies Episode 10 Recap
Marisa Davila as Jane Facciano and Madison Thompson as Susan in ‘Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies’ episode 10 (Photo Credit: Eduardo Araquel / Paramount+)

It’s race day and there’s quite a crowd on hand to watch Buddy take on Gil. Susan watches as Gil and the T-Birds make last-minute adjustments to Gil’s car. She realizes Buddy can’t win fair and square and walks by Gil’s car, deliberating knocking the hood support rod down, which causes the hood to slam down on Gil’s wrist.

Shy Guy volunteers Potato to take Gil’s place, but Potato can’t drive. Jane steps up and everyone laughs, with Buddy pointing out that she flunked driver’s ed. Buddy suggests calling the race off, which means they’ll both be expelled.

Susan offers to race in Buddy’s place since she also flunked driver’s ed. Buddy, reluctantly, agrees.

Jane slips into a T-Bird’s jacket while Susan dons Buddy’s letterman jacket before taking the driver’s seat.

Olivia arrives just as Dot signals the start of the race. The crowd cheers but the race starts off as a disaster. Susan doesn’t know what a clutch is and can’t drive in a straight line. They try again and this time both girls figure out how to use the pedals.

Jane maintains the lead going into the fourth and final lap. Susan makes her move and pulls ahead, and Jane floors it in response. Unfortunately, she’s pushed the car too far and it begins to break down before she reaches the finish line. Susan wins and Buddy’s saved from a trip to Connecticut.

Olivia walks away without letting anyone know she was there to root on Jane.

Nancy pushes Potato away when he tries to comfort her. She warned him she hates public displays of affection, and Potato walks off upset and dejected. Cynthia’s pissed about how Nancy treats Potato and tells her she’s impossible.

The cheerleaders congratulate Susan but she’s having none of it. She refuses a hug from Rosemary and smashes Dot’s lollipop.

Later, Nancy arrives at Cynthia’s house with alcohol as a peace offering. Nancy admits she was a jerk to Potato. She also reveals that she knows something’s up with Cynthia. Cynthia begins to cry, and Nancy insists she can tell her anything. Cynthia remains silent and Nancy realizes Cynthia simply can’t talk about it – it’s not that she doesn’t want to.

Nancy hands her a pad and asks her to write it down.

Cynthia writes something. Folds the paper and slips it to Nancy without looking in her direction. Nancy reads it and takes the pencil back from Cynthia. She writes a reply and hands it back. Cynthia opens the note and immediately begins laughing and crying out loud.

Nancy holds out her arms and Cynthia falls into them, sobbing. The note slips to the floor, the writing pointed away from the camera. Whatever the note said is just between the two best friends.

Jane cries herself to sleep, cuddling Richie’s jacket.

Early in the morning, Hazel quietly sneaks into Jane’s room through the window. Hazel’s struggling with her love life, but Jane is not in the best emotional state to discuss relationships. Hazel apologizes and is about to leave when Jane gives in. After all, misery loves company.

Hazel confides in Jane about her romantic dilemma. She reveals that she is currently dating Wally, but also suspects that Buddy may have feelings for her. Despite reminding Hazel of a similar situation that ended in disaster for all parties involved, Jane acknowledges that matters of the heart are rarely logical.

They head off to the Frosty Palace for breakfast with Cynthia and Nancy. The Pink Ladies confess they’re sad they can’t be friends with Olivia, and Hazel wonders why not. They explain it’s because Olivia’s getting married, and Hazel asks, again, why that means they can’t be friends.

The Pink Ladies are stumped and don’t have an answer. They realize they need to talk to Olivia right away, but the wedding is underway across town and they won’t make it in time. McGee joins them as they’re trying to figure out how to get to the church. She admits they’ve inspired her, and she’s about to go into a long speech when they steal her keys and run off, apologizing on their way out.

The church is fairly empty as Olivia’s dad walks her down the aisle. Leonard’s all smiles as they stand in front of the priest, while Olivia’s mom quietly whispers to her husband that they shouldn’t have said yes to this marriage.

Grease Rise of the Pink Ladies Episode 10 Recap
Ari Notartomaso as Cynthia Zdunowski, Marisa Davila as Jane Facciano, Shanel Bailey as Hazel and Tricia Fukuhara as Nancy Nakagawa in ‘Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies’ season 1 finale (Photo Credit: Eduardo Araquel / Paramount+)

The Pink Ladies race down the aisle toward Olivia and ask for a moment to talk. Olivia asks them to leave but they refuse – because friends show up for each other. Jane confesses that without the Pink Ladies – especially Olivia – she wouldn’t have made it through this year. If Olivia wants to leave, they have McGee’s stolen car running right outside. However, if she wants to continue with the marriage, she’ll have three bridesmaids ready to stand by her side.

Olivia confesses she held on to Leonard after losing Richie because she needed someone to count on. She now understands she has three – make that four with Hazel – friends who’ll stay by her side. She briefly holds Leo’s hands and says, “This isn’t right and we both know it.”

Olivia’s mom is overjoyed at her daughter’s decision.

Olivia, Hazel, and the Pink Ladies run toward the door but then Nancy suddenly stops. She slaps Leo’s face, hard, and reminds him that Olivia is a child.

Olivia’s still in her wedding gown – now covered by her Pink Ladies jacket – when they make it to the carnival. Nancy sends Cynthia in to see Lydia in the hall of mirrors, and we get our second song of the episode. Cynthia knows it’s hard to trust her but she’s all in on Lydia. She promises not to disappear and will be there for her. They may both be afraid but Cynthia’s ready to conquer her fears and allow herself to admit her feelings.

Lydia’s reluctance to allow Cynthia into her life dissolves and she smiles as they dance. Still, Lydia’s worried Cynthia will lie and say this never happened. Nancy appears from behind a mirror and Cynthia reveals she told Nancy everything.

“There’s no going back now,” says Cynthia, smiling. They kiss and Nancy leaves to allow them some privacy.

Nancy apologizes again to Potato and confesses she’s not normal. She gets bored easily. Potato uses Sandy’s lines from Grease and calls Nancy a fake and a phony. “I wish I’d never laid eyes on you,” says a boiling Potato.

He stalks away but then quickly returns, grabs Nancy, and plants a kiss – in front of everyone! Nancy’s shocked, and Potato says he’s just keeping things interesting. He then pushes a pie into her face. The crowd gasps and then laughs.

Grease Rise of the Pink Ladies Episode 10 Recap
Marisa Davila as Jane Facciano, Ari Notartomaso as Cynthia Zdunowski, Tricia Fukuhara as Nancy Nakagawa and Cheyenne Wells as Olivia Valdovinos in ‘Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies’ episode 10 (Photo Credit: Eduardo Araquel / Paramount+)

McGee welcomes Olivia back to school and Nicholson compliments McGee on organizing a successful carnival without an assistant. McGee warns him that if she doesn’t have one when she returns from winter break, she’s quitting.

Susan and the cheerleaders rush up with Buddy, and Susan reminds Jane that she has something to tell Principal Nicholson. Jane says Richie started the fight and that Buddy should remain at Rydell. Nicholson reveals that Buddy already confessed and Richie’s welcome to return to Rydell.

Olivia thanks Jane for not giving up on her or Richie.

Gil wins a stuffed animal and then spots Olivia. Olivia takes off her veil in slow motion but her smile fades as she sees Gil place his arm around a girl from Saint Bernadette’s.

Buddy confronts his dad and says he’s not going away to Connecticut. Buddy’s dad refuses to allow him to stay at his house, and Buddy’s okay with that. He’ll figure something out.

The Pink Ladies offer Hazel a spot in their gang. They could use someone who’s not crazy and is really logical. Of course, first she’ll have to take the Pink Ladies pledge, which they make up on the spot.

“The Pink Lady pledge is to act cool, to look cool, and to be cool. Till death do us part…think Pink!”

Hazel claims she’s not cool, and the girls break out in song. They see through her and know she’s just like them. They dance in front of the Shake Shack and swear they’ll always be there for each other. They are stronger together!

Hazel accepts her jacket, and the Pink Ladies head to the Frosty Palace to celebrate. The T-Birds roll up and Gil wants to introduce them to his friend from when he was a kid in New York. His name is Frankie, but Jane knows him as Zuko! So, Danny has an older brother? That was a surprise twist!

And that’s a wrap on the first season of Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies. As I’m typing this recap, Paramount+ hasn’t announced if there will be a second season. I’ve got my fingers crossed that we’ll get to spend more time with the first generation of Pink Ladies who are embracing their power and coming into their own.

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