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‘National Treasure: Edge of History’ Episode 10 Recap: “Treasure Protectors”

National Treasure Edge of History Episode 10
National Treasure Edge of History Episode 10
Jacob Vargas, Lisette Olivera, and Jake Austin Walker in Disney+’s ‘National Treasure: Edge of History’ episode 10

The season one finale of Disney+’s National Treasure: Edge of History ties up all the treasure-hunting loose ends while dangling the possibility of where season two could go if the streaming service picks up the drama. Episode 10, “Treasure Protectors,” picks up the action right where episode nine ended, with Agent Hendricks (Armando Riesco) having just stabbed Agent Ross (Lyndon Smith) with a sword. We, the audience, now know he’s Salazar – the man we’ve heard about all season but whose identity has just been revealed.

When Billie (Catherine Zetta-Jones) questions Salazar about why he’s there, Rafael (Jacob Vargas) chimes in and reminds her that Salazar is the one who killed her brother. But, of course, Salazar claims Rafael is a liar.

After loading the boat, they set off to find the treasure.

Two armed men remain behind but when the gang arrives, they mistakenly believe there’s only one bad guy on guard. The second one sneaks up behind them with a gun and they’re corralled to the dock with the other armed man. One of Billie’s thugs is ready to shoot Tasha (Zuri Reed) but Oren (Antonio Cipriano) jumps in the way. Fortunately, before he can get a shot off Agent Ross – who’s injured but still alive – shoots both men.

Tasha and Oren take off with Agent Ross in Oren’s van. They don’t have any cell service and need an ambulance fast. Oren speeds like a bat out of hell, trying to get cell service to call 911 while Tasha’s in the back trying to comfort Agent Ross.

Ethan (Jordan Rodrigues) and Liam (Jake Austin Walker) decide to go after Jess. They find a boat but it doesn’t have an engine so they’re forced to row it.

Meanwhile, the other boat runs into heavy fog and Billie informs them the Wayfinder is showing them how to keep going. Jess (Lisette Olivera) tries to scare them by saying De Soto lost a lot of men to this “fog of death.” But Billie points out that’s not true – he lost men in battle.

When the boat gets stuck, Jess takes the opportunity to chastise Agent Hendricks/Salazar. She reminds him he’s an FBI agent and took an oath, so how could he steal treasure? Salazar lets her in on their real plan…they’re going to destroy the treasure.

“When secrets of the past get unburied, it rewrites history,” he says.

Liam and Ethan worry that they’re lost. They seem to be passing the same tree numerous times.

Finally, Oren gets enough of a signal to call for the police and an ambulance. He’s nowhere near a street name that he can provide them, so he does his best to give them a description. He then decides to keep driving to meet them.

The main party’s now on foot and spot skeletal remains. Billie wonders why people on their way to the treasure would turn on each other before getting their hands on the actual treasure. Rafael interrupts Billie’s train of thought to point out a coyote made of stone with two emeralds as eyes. (We have a flashback to Rafael telling Jess the coyotes mean it’s a trap).

Hector (Gabriel Rodriguez) gets greedy and tries to steal one of the emeralds. Some kind of mist shoots out directly in his face and he immediately begins to hallucinate. He thinks he’s being attacked, draws his weapon, and fires it at one of Billie’s men. Kacey (Breeda Wool) has no choice but to shoot Hector.

After that intense exchange, Billie realizes Kacey was shot in the leg and Jess and Rafael have escaped.

Jess and her dad find a statue and have to decide which way to go…left or right. They figure out left is correct.

Ethan and Liam find the two dead men and press on.

National Treasure Edge of History Episode 10
Armando Riesco, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Breeda Wool in Disney+’s ‘National Treasure: Edge of History’ episode 10

Billie, Kacey, and Salazar are trying to figure out which way to go and they fall for Jess leaving a bracelet behind on the right side.

Agent Ross’s phone rings and it’s Doctor Zeke (Tommy Savas). He manages to talk Tasha through a procedure to help Ross breathe. She’s going to have to stab Ross in the chest with something hollow. Tasha finds a metal straw that’ll do the trick. Tasha doesn’t overthink it and does as instructed. She stabs Ross and it works! Agent Ross can breathe without any difficulty.

Jess and Rafael make it to the treasure’s location but Jess acts without thinking and steps on something that causes a wooden cage to descend, leaving them trapped. They try with all their might to get out, but it won’t budge.

Given their current predicament, they have time for a heartfelt talk about the past. Rafael has deep regrets, and Jess takes some blame for their situation. Rafael brings up that his mother used to tell him stories about this treasure and how it was their family’s duty to protect it.

National Treasure Edge of History Episode 10
Lisette Olivera and Jacob Vargas in Disney+’s ‘National Treasure: Edge of History’ episode 10

Ethan and Liam to the rescue! They’ve found Jess and Rafael and create a lever system to lift the wooden cage. It works and both Jess and her father are free.

After running into another coyote and setting its traps off with a rock, Billie realizes Jess tricked them. They need to go back and take the fork on the left.

Agent Ross is loaded into an ambulance and Oren calls for a search team. Tasha and Oren then decide to join the search for Jess and head back out.

Liam updates Jess and her dad on how he figured out that Billie and Salazar are treasure destroyers. Ethan decides to go back to the docks to help lead the police to the correct spot.

Kacey’s forced to stop for a moment and asks for a second to rest since she was shot in the leg. Salazar responds by shooting her in the back, and Billie is devastated. Salazar insists Kacey was a liability and Billie recalls Rafael telling her Salazar called her brother the same thing – a liability – before he killed him.

Billie shoots him and proclaims, “I’m Salazar now!”

Jess, Liam, and Rafael discover a way inside to the treasure, but right before they enter Billie begins shooting at them. They stumble their way through the doors and manage to close them on Billie. The entrance to the treasure room’s a puzzle – and it’s a good thing Jess is an expert at puzzles.

Jeff gives her dad and Liam instructions on where to step to make it through without being shot at by arrows. After some tense moments, they make it through and the doors to the treasure room open.

As they take in all the beautiful treasure, we’re shown Billie trying her hand at the puzzle. She quickly realizes she may not make it.

After spotting a tapestry of Malinche, they realize Jess’s mom was right about everything. Suddenly there’s a blast through the door they just entered and they’re blown backward. Billie points her gun at Jess and blames her for Kacey’s death. Billie then picks up something left burning by the blast and is intent on setting the place on fire, starting with the Malinche tapestry.

While Billie is distracted, Jess grabs something and throws it at Billie’s legs, entangling them and causing her to fall. Ethan returns and joins in on knocking Billie back onto the ground. Liam’s able to get to the gun before Billie does.

Jess realizes there’s a heavy stone trapping her dad. She and Liam manage to get the stone off of him, and Jess tearfully tries to get her dad to wake up. She tells her dad that he’s mattered to her her whole life and he didn’t fail her. Rafael wakes up!

After some parting words as she’s being taken away by the police, Jess takes her necklace back from Billie.

It seems everyone is all giggles and smiles. Oren and Tasha are back together and Agent Ross is alive and well and now on a red carpet with Dr. Zeke at the National Museum.

As season one draws to a close, the gang’s taking in the exhibit when Liam shows up to inform them he was cleaning out his grandpa’s study and found an old cassette tape. There’s something on it that could lead to other treasures.

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