HBO’s House of the Dragon season one wraps up as the “Dance of the Dragons” gets underway. Sides have been taken, an unforgivable blow has been struck, and Princess Rhaenyra’s supporters are set on removing the usurper, King Aegon II, from the Iron Throne. A bloody battle’s in store and plenty of favorites are sure to fall in season two – George R.R. Martin loves to kill off beloved characters – as “the blacks” (Princess Rhaenyra’s backers) and “the greens” (Queen Alicent’s people) fight to rule the Seven Kingdoms. As for me, I’m #TeamRhaenyra all the way.
The season one finale, “The Black Queen,” begins with Luke stroking “Driftmark” on the map in Dragonstone. He believes Lord Corlys is going to die and doesn’t want to inherit his throne. Princess Rhaenyra (Emma D’Arcy) attempts to convince him he’ll come to understand as he matures. She promises she will look after him and help him look after his duties.
Their talk is interrupted by the arrival of Princess Rhaenys (Eve Best) who needs an urgent meeting with Prince Daemon (Matt Smith) and Rhaenyra. She breaks the news King Viserys is dead and she grieves his loss. However, more importantly, Aegon has already been crowned as the new king.
Prince Daemon is certain Viserys was slain, and Rhaenyra is stunned to learn Queen Alicent demanded Princess Rhaenys support Aegon. Rhaenys explains Aegon was crowned in front of the masses so everyone would see. Still, she claims this isn’t her war. She urges them to leave Dragonstone immediately.
Princess Rhaenyra doubles over in pain. It’s not near the end of her term and although everyone urges her to remain calm, she miscarries a baby girl.
Daemon gives orders to his men to watch for any of “the greens.” They need to appear stronger than they are and fool anyone who attempts to attack Dragonstone.
Jace (Harry Collett) and Luke (Elliot Grihault) are in the middle of training when Rhaenyra calls for her oldest sons. Rhaenyra fills them in on what happened and that Aegon is now king. Jace and Luke leave to find Daemon, but she calls Jace back, reminding him he’s her heir. He needs to make sure no one does anything without her approval.
Daemon conducts a meeting with the council, and it’s revealed Lord Corlys’s fever has broken. Jace attempts to stop all of Daemon’s planning since his mother said not to do anything without her. Daemon is determined to send ravens or dragonriders out to gather supporters.
Daemon questions the members of the Kingsguard on Dragonstone and gives them a choice. They either swear an oath to Princess Rhaenyra or say they support the usurper. If that’s their choice, then they’ll have an honorable death. If they are turncoats later, then they’ll die a fiery death.
Daemon finds his wife still bloody and cradling their baby. Rhaenyra wraps it as the Silent Sisters look on.

A funeral is held and Princess Rhaenys is among the attendees.
Ser Erryk arrives during the funeral and swears an oath to Princess Rhaenyra. He brings with him King Viserys’s crown and Daemon places it on her head. He bends the knee and says, “My Queen.” All the others follow his lead, including Rhaenyra’s sons.
Princess Rhaenys remains standing.
Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen attends a large meeting in the map room at Dragonstone. Daemon reveals plans for gathering “the blacks.” Rhaenyra is certain the Vale will join their fight, and others have been sent ravens. House Stark is expected to also come down on their side, although it will take some reminding of Lord Baratheon.
Lord Corlys is sailing to Dragonstone, but Princess Rhaenys remains uncommitted.
The Lannisters are against them, so they won’t find any allies west of the Golden Tooth. The Riverlands are essential. Daemon and the others are sure the fact they have more dragons than their enemies will turn the tide their way. They have 13, the greens have four.
Ser Erryk arrives with news a ship with a three-headed green dragon has been sighted offshore. Daemon meets Ser Otto (Rhys Ifans) outside on the bridge and Otto demands to see Rhaenyra. The message he has to deliver from Alicent is meant for her. Rhaenyra arrives on the back of Syrax, making quite the entrance.
Ser Otto addresses her as “Princess” and she corrects him. Ser Otto says he’s offering terms from King Aegon II, and there will be peace if she bends the knee. Her sons will be given places of high honor in the court and Luke will receive Driftmark. Daemon immediately turns him down and Ser Otto is equally unwavering.
Otto reveals Houses Stark, Tully, and Baratheon are considering generous terms from King Aegon. Princess Rhaenyra approaches Ser Otto and removes the Hand’s symbol from his cloak. Rhaenyra’s handed the page from the book that she and Alicent read together as girls and that she ripped out as a child. She’s told Queen Alicent is anxiously awaiting her reply.
Daemon wants to slice them all down, including Ser Otto, but Queen Rhaenyra stops him. She tells Otto that King’s Landing will have her answer tomorrow.
A short while later, Daemon reminds his family and the council that dragons can kill dragons. Rhaenyra adds that everything burns when dragons fly over the world during war. Rhaenyra is seriously considering accepting Alicent’s offer and when Daemon speaks against her, she orders everyone from the room.
Daemon says they can’t bend their knees to the Hightowers and he’s sure it’s her duty as Queen to put down this rebellion. Rhaenyra explains that Viserys shared with her the Song of Ice and Fire, but Daemon does not want to hear it. “Dreams didn’t make us kings. Dragons did,” he says while clutching her throat.
Rhaenyra realizes Viserys never shared the vision passed along from Aegon the Conqueror with his brother.
Lord Corlys (Steve Toussaint) and Princess Rhaenys are reunited and he makes a joke that she’s fallen asleep on her watch. Rhaenys points out he abandoned her when she most needed him. She’s angry he left her to care for everything and he tries to say he left because he lost everything. She corrects him. “We lost everything,” says Rhaenys.
She confirms Viserys is dead and so is his brother, Vaemond. Daemon took his head for denouncing Rhaenyra’s children.
Lord Corlys admits he’s reached too far. Now, he just wants to retire to Driftmark and not declare for anyone. Rhaenys reminds him their grandsons are in line for the throne, and right now Rhaenyra is the only person showing any restraint. Everyone else is urging her to go to war.
Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys attend a meeting of Queen Rhaenyra’s council. Daemon is noticeably absent. Corlys looks at the map and notices she has too few allies to win a war. Rhaenyra explains they’re still hoping Stark, Tully, and Baratheon will join them.
Lord Corlys agrees that the Hightower treason can not stand. He pledges the full support of both his House and his fleet. “You honor me, Lord Corlys,” replies Queen Rhaenyra. She also acknowledges the importance of Princess Rhaenys in this fight.
Rhaenyra made a promise to her father to hold the realm strong. She will not make the first move and instead wants to determine who her allies are before she sends anyone to war.
Lord Corlys reveals they fully control the Stepstones. The Narrow Sea is now theirs and it’s possible they can seal off all seaborne trade to King’s Landing. Still, Rhaenyra insists they secure the support of the Starks, Tullys, and Baratheons before taking any action.

Luke and Jace request to go to those Houses on their dragons. It will be quicker than sending ravens. Rhaenyra agrees Jace will go to the Eyrie and Lady Arryn and then on to Winterfell. Luke will go to Storm’s End and meet with Lord Baratheon. These lords need to be reminded of the costs of breaking their oaths.
Rhaenyra meets privately with Luke and Jace, telling them they’re going as messengers not as warriors. They are not to take part in any fighting and she makes them swear it on the eyes of Seven.
Jace is told Lord Stark is close to his age and they should have much in common.
Storm’s End is a short flight and Luke has Baratheon blood. Plus, Lord Borros will be honored to host a prince of the realm and his dragon. She expects he’ll receive a warm welcome.
She sends them off on their dragons with a determined smile.
Daemon sings in Old Valyrian as he walks through the dragonpit. He stops before a dragon we haven’t seen before and places his torch on the ground. The dragon, Vermithor, spews fire into the ceiling as Daemon continues to sing.
Vermithor looks Daemon straight in the eye and neither breaks contact.
Luke arrives on Arrax and announces he has a message for Lord Borros. Prince Aemond’s already there and his dragon roars nearby.
Luke is brought before Lord Borros and Borros wonders why the House of the Dragon doesn’t know whether a Queen or King rules it. Borros receive the letter from Luke and calls for the maester to read it.
He’s furious the letter includes a reminder from Rhaenyra of his oath to the Targaryens. He wonders which of his daughters Luke will wed if he accepts his mother’s offer. Since Luke is already betrothed, Lord Borros tells the “pup” to go home. Rhaenyra can’t match King Aegon’s offer.
Prince Aemond (Ewan Mitchell) stops Luke from leaving, angry he’s flying around attempting to steal his brother’s throne. Aemond demands Luke’s eye for his own that was lost and tosses him a knife. Aemond adds that he’s going to give Luke’s eye to his mother.
Lord Borros puts a stop to the fight and won’t have blood spilled under his roof. He orders his men to accompany Luke back to his dragon. Luke commands Arrax to remain calm and listen as they fly off into a storm. Unfortunately, Prince Daemon’s dragon, Vhagar, is larger and quicker, and the storm is wreaking havoc on Arrax’s ability to fly fast.
Vhagar’s massive and poor Arrax looks like a little sparrow compared to the huge beast. Aemond laughs as he has Vhagar chase Arrax who briefly escapes into a narrow canyon.
Arrax strikes the first fiery blow and Vhagar reacts by refusing to listen to Aemond’s commands. Instead, it chomps off Arrax’s head and both Arrax and Jace fall to their deaths. Aemond appears stunned that his dragon refused his commands. He must also know what that action will mean moving forward.
Prince Daemon breaks the news to Princess Rhaenyra that their son has died and that Prince Aemond was responsible. She bows her head, overcome with grief, facing away from the council.
She turns and it’s obvious that war has been declared. She will avenge her son and take back the Iron Throne.
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- House of the Dragon Season 1 Episode 7 “Driftmark” Recap
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